
  1. 丁家宜创始人兼董事长庄文阳称,此笔交易“对各方是双赢”。

    Chairman and founder Chuang Wen Yang called the deal " a win-win situation for everyone " .

  2. 在今天的播客中,阿里巴巴集团创始人兼主席马云称他希望支付宝能在中国上市。

    In today 's podcast , Alibaba Group founder and chairman Jack Ma says he wants Alipay to go public in China .

  3. 智联招聘首席执行官兼董事郭盛称,随着经济的稳定,就业市场第三季度继续改善。

    Guo Sheng , chief executive and director of Zhaopin.com , said the job market in the third quarter continued to improve as the economy steadied .

  4. 节假日会给众多单身女性带来压力,《心慌的岁月》正体现出了单身女性这一心头之痛,她们将每年一次的“回家兼受审”称为“感恩节逼婚”。

    The holidays are known to cause stress to scores of single women in the throes of'The Panic Years ' , who dub the annual visit-cum-interrogation the'Thanksgiving Third Degree ' .

  5. 据华盛顿史密森国家航空航天博物馆历史学家兼馆长大卫·德沃金称霍金一生致力于大胆的想法。

    Hawking has spent his life working on big , bold ideas , according to David Devorkin , historian and curator at the Smithsonian 's National Air and Space Museum in Washington .

  6. 一名只透露自己姓郭的优步兼滴滴司机称,两家公司支付的补贴通常相当于行程成本的两到三倍。

    A driver for both Uber and Didi , who gave his name only as Mr Guo , says both companies pay subsidies that often amount to two to three times the cost of the ride .

  7. 他的老朋友兼制作人托尼·维斯孔蒂称,鲍威将他的死也创作成了艺术,他几天前发布的新专辑《黑芒之星》就好似他送给世人的“告别礼物”。

    Long-time friend and producer Tony Visconti said he turned his death into a work of art , describing his new album " Blackstar , " released a few days ago , as " his parting gift . " BOWIE ON SCREEN

  8. 因为一谈到食物比例的问题,我们可能就没什么概念了。英国饮食健康协会营养咨询师兼发言人西恩·波特称:“大多数人都不知道合适的比例是多少。”

    For when it comes to portion size , it seems we 've lost all sense of , well , proportion . 'Most people don 't know what an appropriate portion should look like , ' says Sian Porter , a consultant dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association .

  9. 勃朗台姐妹的朋友兼传记作家伊丽莎白·加斯科称,

    The friend and biographer of the Bronte sisters , Elizabeth Gaskell ,

  10. 《福布斯女性》副总裁兼发行人莫伊拉•福布斯称,这本商界杂志中的上榜女性“为大家日常言谈带来了很多话题”。

    Moira Forbes , vice president and publisher of ForbesWoman , said the women on the business magazine 's list were " shaping many of the agenda-setting conversations of the day . "