
chuǎn qì
  • breathe;pant;gasp;take a breather;gasp for breath
喘气 [chuǎn qì]
  • (1) [breathe;gasp;pant]∶急促地呼吸

  • 喘气粗重

  • (2) [take a breather]∶在繁忙间隙的短暂歇息

  • 活太紧,喘气的功夫都没有

喘气[chuǎn qì]
  1. 我要谢谢你给了我喘气的时间。

    I wanna thank you for giving me time to breathe .

  2. 但是还能喘气不就已经很幸运了吗?

    But ain 't I lucky , I can still breathe in

  3. 除了不时听见狗喘气的声音,四下里一片寂静。

    The silence was broken only by the snuffles of the dogs .

  4. 那个人跑步后在大口喘气。

    The man is gulping air after running .

  5. 长跑之后,那个运动员正在喘气。

    After the long race , the runner was panting for breath .

  6. 咱们忙了半天,也该喘喘气了。

    We 've been busy for hours ; we 'd better take a break .

  7. 这声音使孩子们喘气和发抖。

    This voice made the boys gasp and quake .

  8. 这阵跑步使他喘气不已。

    The run winded him .

  9. 他倚着栏杆,急促地喘气

    He leant against the railing , his breath coming in short gasps .

  10. 屈里曼太太看他那苍白的脸色和急促的喘气,倒越来越担心。

    Mrs. Tremaine grew more and more worried at his pallid face and stertorous breathing .

  11. 他在喘气。

    He was gasping for breath .

  12. 一只斑鸿恰巧也在那里休息,听见猫头鹰呼味呼味地喘气,就对猫头鹰说:“你这样急急忙忙地赶路,去哪儿呀?”

    It happened that a turtledove was also resting there . Hearing the panting of the owl , it asked : " Where are you going in such a hurry ? "

  13. 在快速断头模型上,EA(50100mg·kg~(-1))能延长断头小鼠的喘气时间。

    And EA ( 50,100 mg kg-1 ) also prolonged the gasping time of mice after quick decapitation .

  14. 第1、2组在接种疫苗后,有个别鸡出现轻微喘气或羽毛蓬松的症状,2~3d后好转;

    The results were : 2 or 3 chicks in group 1 and 2 showed slight respiratory distress with gasping or plumage dishevelment post-vaccination , bot recovered 3 days later ;

  15. n.喘气vi.喘气;喘息消防队员在烟雾缭绕的房间听到一个男孩的喘息声。

    gasp The fireman heard the gasps of a boy in the smoky room .

  16. 结果GSP能明显延长常压缺氧小鼠的存活时间及脑缺氧小鼠张口喘气时间,降低耗氧量。

    Results GSP significantly prolonged the survival time , persistent time of gasping and decreased oxygen consumption in mice subjected to acute anoxia and decapitation .

  17. 市场正在喘气,所以IPO市场也要喘口气,瑞信(CreditSuisse)股权资本市场的全球负责人戴维·赫尔默(DavidHermer)说。

    The market is taking a breath , and therefore the I.P.O. market will also take a breath , said David Hermer , global head of equity capital markets at Credit Suisse .

  18. 足以让Wolowitz变成个97磅的直喘气的大水疱,

    which would reduce Wolowitz to a wheezing 97pound blister .

  19. 结果注射用KDZ可显著延长小鼠断头喘气时间及常压耐缺氧存活时间;

    Results KDZ injection could obviously prolong the gasping time after cutting head in mice and the survival time of normobaric hypoxia tolerant in mice .

  20. 能明显延长ICR小鼠常压下缺氧的存活时间(420~777s)、亚硝酸钠中毒致死的存活时间(184~966s)及急性脑缺血性缺氧的喘气时间(2.3~4.4s)。

    It can prolong survival time of ICR mice under hypoxia at normal pressure and after sodium nitrite ( NaNO_2 ) poisoning . It can also prolong panting time of ICR mice during acute ischemic anoxia of brain .

  21. 结果山茱萸水煎液及提取物(Ⅳ)~(VII)均使小鼠断头后张口喘气时间延长,提示其能降低组织耗氧,提高物质代谢和能量代谢,表现出抗脑缺氧作用。

    RESULT The decoction of Fructus Corni Officinalis and its extracts ( IV )~( VII ) could prolong the breathing time of mice after decollation , indicating their effect in reducing the tissue 's oxygen consumption , increasing material metabolism and energy metabolism and preventing hypoxia of the brain .

  22. BENZIMMER:“大家在会议室里,Hall拿出了第五册,房间里静得能听见喘气声,就好像是有天使合唱团在伴奏,大家都想来摸摸这本词典,好像它是间圣物似的。”

    BEN ZIMMER : " We all gathered together in the conference room and Joan showed off volume five . And there were audible in the room . I mean , it might as well have been accompanied by an angelic chorus . People just wanted to touch it like it was the holy relic or something . "

  23. kg-1和200mg.kg-1组小鼠断尾血流量、喘气次数及喘气持续时间明显高于空白对照组(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    Velocity of blood flow of tail in mice , the frequency of respiration and the maintenance time in the 100 mg · kg-1 group and 200 mg · kg-1 group were obviously higher than those in NS control group ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 方法小鼠尾静脉给予饱和氯化镁溶液01mL,形成全脑缺血模型,观察注射用刺五加对小鼠张口喘气维持时间的影响;

    Methods The mode of the deep cerebral ischemia by the intravenous injection of the saturated MgCl 2 ( 0.1 mL ) and the effects of the drug on the survival time in mice were studied ;

  25. CO-GBE可以延长模型小鼠的断头喘气持续时间,并可以明显逆转模型小鼠脑组织上述生化指标的异常改变(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    CGB could further prolong the continuous breath time , and obviously reverse the abnormal changes in the above mentioned indexes in the brain tissues of model mice ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 石青嫂子累极了,便只好坐在那里喘气。

    Then she sat down beside it , panting in exhaustion .

  27. 在这个高度下大部分人都要不停地喘气

    At this height , most people are gasping for breath .

  28. 人体保持着充分的意识并且正喘气。

    The individual remains fully conscious and is gasping for breath .

  29. 我们的呼吸开始变成断断续续的喘气。

    Our breath began to take the form of staccato gasps .

  30. 我躺在那里很久很久,一边呕吐,一边喘气。

    I lay there for an eternity , retching and gasping .