
  1. 行输出变压器短路测试探讨

    A Discussion on the Testing Method of the Short circuit of A Flyback Transformer Test Measurement

  2. 介绍了一种基于PWM技术的数控高压源.该电源由单片机控制,由PWM调制器来调节,并采用了电视机的一体化行输出变压器作为升压变压器。

    This paper introduces a high voltage NC supply based on PWM which is controlled by a microcontroller and adapted by a PWM convector , takes the integrative row output transformer of TV for a boost transformer .

  3. 彩电行输出变压器的最佳设计

    The Optimum Design of a Colour TV Horizontal Output Transformer

  4. 关于彩色电视接收机行输出变压器的代换问题

    The Replacement of Line Output Transformer of Color TV Set

  5. 彩电行输出变压器常见故障的检测与维修

    The Examine and Repair of Common Failure for Color TV 's Horizontal Output Transformer

  6. 三极管的信号输出端亦可接到行输出变压器的初级。

    The signal output end of the triode can also be connected to the primary of the horizontal output transformer .

  7. 电线适用于电视接收机行输出变压器高压输出,连接高压整流硅与头像管高压及,以及其他电子仪器仪表内部作高压安装及讯号连接作用。

    This wire si suitable for TV High voltage as connecting wire between rectify and kinescope , or as connecting wire or fixing wire in other appliance and instrument .

  8. 因此行激励级电路的设计,自然采用了从显象管偏转线圈和行输出管到激励变压器和行激励级的倒推设计法。

    Therefore the design of horizontal driving circuit adoptes naturally the backward design method from the deflection coil of tube and horizontal output transistor back to the driving transformer and horizontal driver .