
  • 网络behavioral variable;Behavior Variable;Behavioral
  1. 第2步:将访问对象和行为变量对应起来

    Step 2 : Map interview subjects to behavioral variables

  2. 第1步:发现并确定行为变量

    Step 1 : Identify behavioral variables

  3. 在研究客户忠诚的基础上,提出既包含客户行为变量又包含客户态度变量的客户忠诚度(CL)测量模型;

    On the basis of studying the customer loyalty , proposes a model of measuring customer loyalty .

  4. 以影响因素为因子变量,转管武器的射速为行为变量,建立了基于灰理论的多因子变量GM(1,N)模型。

    Multi-factor variable model GM ( 1 , N ) is established by means of taking influential factor as factor variable , rate of fire of Gatling weapon as conduct variable .

  5. 言语攻击行为变量&情绪及其外化。

    Verbal aggression behavior variable : emotion and emotional behavior .

  6. 中国职工心理资本内容结构及其与态度行为变量关系实证研究

    Empirical Research on Chinese Staff 's Psychological Capital Constructs and It 's Relation with Attitude and Behavior Variables

  7. 在交通运输系统中,交通量、行程时间和交通密度是交通系统中的三种行为变量。

    In traffic system , the traffic flows , the travel time and traffic density are three behavior variables .

  8. 在对行为变量进行规范化设计后,形成正式测量量表。最后,对青少年学生被试进行测查分析。

    The formal alienation scale was made after standardized designation of behavioral variances , and verified for alienation analysis in adolescent students .

  9. 采用实证研究的方法探讨了企业员工组织支持感的结构维度及其与相关行为变量的关系。

    The structure dimensions of employees'perceived organizational support ( POS ) and the relations between POS and correlative variables were investigated in this study .

  10. 在根据很多健康和行为变量调整之后,研究者们算出,总的来说,素食者比非素食者的患癌风险低21%。

    Over all , after adjusting for many health and behavioral variables , vegetarians had a 21 percent reduced risk of cancer compared with nonvegetarians .

  11. 对于企业产品,行为变量和工作岗位联系得更紧密,因此我们建议为每一个岗位列出相应的变量。

    For enterprise applications , behavioral variables are often closely associated with job roles , and we suggest listing out the variables for each role separately .

  12. 在消费模型中,重游意向与愿意推荐该目的地可以纳入行为变量,而满意度作为评价变量。

    In the consumption model , " Intention to return " and " willing to recommend the destination " are conceived as behavioral variables , and " satisfaction " as the evaluative variables .

  13. 另一方面关于组织公正感效果变量的研究很多,但都集中在态度和行为变量这两个方面,鲜有对情绪变量的考察。

    On the other hand , although many researchers are concerned about outcome variables of organizational justice , they focus more on the variables of attitude and behaviors , but less on emotional variables .

  14. 以房价为因变量,从影响房价的内外因素及机制入手,在传统计量经济模型中加入行为变量,建立了行为经济学框架下的房地产价格波动模型。

    Model of real estate market fluctuation in price is established by adding a behavioral variable into classical econometrics model with price as its dependent variable , starting with outside and inside mechanism and factors of housing price .

  15. 工作投入对个体的工作绩效和某些工作态度及行为变量,以及顾客满意度、生产力、利润率和单位总体绩效等组织结果变量均具有一定的影响。

    Scholars have found that work / job engagement can effectively predict both individual work-related outcomes such as general workplace attitudes , individual performance outcomes , and organizational outcomes including customer satisfaction , retention , productivity , and profitability .

  16. 本研究通过方差分析分析发现,人口统计变量、购买行为变量之间的差异对顾客心理契约要求所产生的影响并不显著,这说明顾客对品牌应负责任的认知存在一定的稳定性和普遍性。

    In this study , the research result shows that there is no significant discrepancy to customer psychological contract for the difference of demographic variables and purchase behavior variables . It indicates that the customer psychological contract has a certain stability and universality .

  17. 大多数现有渠道文献只是探讨了渠道成员权力运用与冲突、满意、信任、承诺等行为变量之间的关系;而忽略了渠道管理者最为关心的渠道绩效问题。

    The majority of extant channel literature investigates the relationship between power usage and some behavioral variables such as conflict , satisfaction , trust , commitment and so on , but , in certain extent , overlooks channel performance about which practitioners are concerned .

  18. 在控制了十多项其他健康和行为变量之后,研究者们发现,每晚睡眠超过八小时的人比睡六至八小时的人患中风的可能性高46%。

    After controlling for more than a dozen other health and behavioral variables , the researchers found that people who slept more than eight hours a day were 46 percent more likely to have had a stroke than those who slept six to eight hours .

  19. SEM和HLM的结合运用为解决组织行为中变量关系跨层次研究提供了范例。

    The combination of SEM and HLM provides a paradigm to solve multi-hierarchical research of variables relationship in organizational behavior .

  20. 针对系统动力学行为相变量上的判别依据问题,将Lyapunov特性指数作为混沌判据,引入微弱信号混沌检测领域。

    The LCEs ( Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents ) is employed in the field of chaotic detection for weak signal for the first time to the special dynamic system as the criteria for chaos .

  21. 第五章以TPB理论为基础,论述了森林公园游客违章行为相关变量的含义及其相互关系,构建了森林公园游客违章行为发生机制的理论模型。

    Taking theory of planed behavior as the foundation , the theory model of forest park tourist peccancy occurrence mechanism was constructed in fifth chapter .

  22. 本研究呈现的是通过心理模拟来改变计划行为理论变量的第一次尝试。

    The present study represents the first attempt to use mental simulations to change the theory of planned behaviour variables .

  23. 通过组织健康理论相关文献的理论回顾,发现组织内包括组织认同、与组织公民行为等变量对组织健康有显著影响。

    After reviewing the organizational health relevant literature , we found that , some organizational variables including organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior have a significant impact on organizational health .

  24. 其次,本文试图探寻组织公平与工作绩效之间关系得以存在的中间转换机制因素,为此,设定和检验了组织公民行为中间变量的作用假设。

    Secondly , this paper attempts to explore the organizational justice and job performance relationship can exist between the intermediate conversion mechanism factors , this , settings , and organizational citizenship behaviors examined the role of intermediate variable assumptions .

  25. 有关建言行为前因变量的研究很多,然而对于专门探讨人格对建言行为影响的研究却较少,针对工作领域所提出的主动性人格特征如何影响员工的建言行为的机制则更少。

    A lot of researches discuss the influence factors of voice behavior , but little research specially discuss the effect of personality on voice behavior , even the influencing mechanism of the proactive personality aimed at workplace area on voice behavior is very little .

  26. 企业员工工作满意度是近年来劳动经济学及人力资源管理研究者关注的热点问题,而作为工作行为倾向变量的组织承诺,是影响员工组织绩效、离职率及行为的重要因素。

    Job satisfaction is that the study of organizational behavior and human resource management has always been the focus of attention of researchers . Organizational commitment and job attitudes as a variable , organizational performance are affected employees , turnover rate and behavior , such as an important factor .

  27. 其次,通过描述性分析,检验了上市公司董事会独立性与公司治理的财务绩效、非财务绩效如信息披露、代理成本降低、关联交易以及违规行为等变量之间的关系;

    Secondly , through descriptive analysis , this paper examines the relationship between the independence of board of directors of the listed company and the financial performance of corporate governance and non-financial performance such as the disclosure of information , reducing of agent cost , related trade and unlawful practice .

  28. 分析表明:模型中参数K,β对冲击地压系统动力学行为和状态变量演化行为贡献较大,而系统动力学和演化行为对?

    The research shows that the parameters k and β greatly affected the dynamics behavior and evolvement behavior of rockburst ;

  29. 以人口统计学特征和学校生活满意度为自变量,分别以抑郁、焦虑症状、危害健康行为为因变量,进行Logistic回归分析。

    Logistic regression analysis was conducted , with independent variables of demographic characters and school life satisfaction and dependent variables of anxiety and depression symptoms and health-risk behaviors .

  30. 然后运用Logistic回归分析判断出哪些因素是导致车展观众作出观展决策行为的解释变量,以及这些变量的影响大小和方向。

    And then Logistic regression analysis was used to determine which factors are out to show the audience view of the explanatory variables show decision-making behavior , and how these variables influence the size and direction .