
  • 网络Deductive Statistics;statistical inference;inferential statistic
  1. 批评语及其应答语的话语分析文章将采用一种新的研究方法:即话语分析和推论统计相结合的分析方法对语料进行量化分析。

    The approach of the combination of conversational analysis and inferential statistics as a new analyzing method is applied to the corpus in hope of conducting a quantitive study of speech differences between men and women in public contexts .

  2. 推论统计是根据样本信息推论出总体信息。

    Statistical inference is based on the overall sample information inferred overall information .

  3. 通过推论统计最终得到用户对教学资源的最终评价。三总结及展望。

    Statistical inference by the end users gets the final evaluation of teaching resources . Third , Summary and Outlook .

  4. 一个429人构成的便利性样本被用于此项研究,结果采用推论统计分析方法进行分析。

    A probability random sample of 429 respondents is employed in this study in Chapter-4 . The results are analyzed through inferential statistical analysis .

  5. 本研究所采用的方法,主要有文献数据法、层次分析法、实验研究法及其相应的观察法、灰色关联分析法及推论统计法。

    The main study methods which are adapted includes literature datum , analytic hierarchy process , experiment research , observation , grey interrelated analysis and deduction statistics .

  6. 社会科学背景下因果推论的统计方法

    Statistical Methods of Causal Effects in Social Sciences

  7. 资料以描述性统计及推论性统计分析,其结果发现实验组在疼痛认知、疼痛治疗满意度与止痛效果均优于对照组。

    Data was analyzed by the descriptive and inferential statistics . The result of this study showed the experimental group was higher scores in pain knowledge , satisfaction , and analgesic effect than the control group .