
tuī chuán
  • push boat
推船[tuī chuán]
  1. 推船隧道角对船队推进性能的影响

    Influence of Tunnel Angle of Pusher on Propulsive Performance of Push-Train

  2. 我只想知道推船的时候。

    I just wonder if , when push came to shove .

  3. 螺旋桨旋向对大径深比推船推进性能的影响

    Influence of Propeller 's Turning on Propulsive Performance of Pushboat

  4. 推船顶推架应力经验公式的相似理论推导

    Deduction of Stress Experimental Formulas of Pushing Frames for Pushboats

  5. 长江中下游千吨驳推船船队模操纵试验研究

    Experimental Study on Manoeuverability of Barge - Push Train Models

  6. 提高147kW推船经济效益可采取的措施

    Measures for raising economic efficiency of 147 kW thrusting vessel

  7. 新一代长江油运推船的研究与开发

    Research and Development of the New Generation Oil Push Boats in Changjiang River

  8. 国外现代推船船型的趋势和设计准则

    Modern Pushboat Form Abroad and 1ts Design Criteria

  9. 顶推船联结装置联结力的计算

    The Calculation of the Connecting Forces for the Connecting Device of the Sea Mules

  10. 海上顶推船两销活动连接装置在波浪作用下的受力研究

    A Study on Wave Force Acting on Two Pins Hinged Type Connecting Device of Sea-going Pusher Barge Train

  11. 从这一点积蓄,我做独轮车,我将聘请到手推车顶推船,她说。

    From that savings , I made wheelbarrows that I would hire to wheelbarrow pushers , she says .

  12. 大直径吃水比顶推船对船后导管桨性能的影响

    Effect of Pushboats with Large D / T Ratio of Propeller Diameter to Ship Draft on Ducted Propeller

  13. 打击乐一般在跑船或赶船者推船时使用。

    And the percussion instruments are used in the " running boat " and " pushing boat " .

  14. 微型推船将有效减小推驳船队的联结力、阻力和造价,而整体联结的微推船队则将这些优点推向极点。

    Such a unit has the advantages of lower coupling force , lower resistance and lower building cost .

  15. 在耐波性水池中对顶推船组模型进行了三次试验。

    Three experiments on the models of a pusher barge train were carried out under various wave conditions in the experiment tank .

  16. 本文对海上顶推船组二销和三销联接形式和推船自航情况进行了分析和比较。

    Types of hinged connection and rigid connection of the ocean-going pusher barge system and the pusher self-propulsion condition were analysed and compared in this papar .

  17. 在二销联接形式中航速和销位的变化对推船耐波性能的影响也进行了初步探讨。

    For the hinged connection , a preliminary study of the effects of speeds and hinge pin locations on the seakeeping qualities of the pusher was made .

  18. 对长江1940kw推船作了加装节能附体前后的模型推进性能的对比试验。

    The paper is concerned with the comparative experiments on the propulsive performance of a 1940 kW model pusher on the Changjiang River with and without an energy conservational appendage .

  19. 本文希望此次对大径深比推船数值模拟的应用研究可以成为后续的工作的铺垫,并对大径深比推船的性能优化起到一定的指导作用。

    This paper hope that study of the use of CFD in numerical simulation of the push tug can act as a matting for next job , and it can give some advice to the performance optimization of the push tug .

  20. 本文介绍了国外推船隧道尾型的设计准则,分析了现代推船隧道尾型设计的趋势:隧道尾的相对长度增大;

    This paper gives an account of the design criteria of the pushboat tunnel form abroad , and analyses the trend of the design of the modern pushboat tunnel form , the increase of the relative length of the tunnel stern ?

  21. 为了提高推船的推进效率及单位功率的推载量,节约能源,提高顶推运输的经济效益,国外正在加紧开发推船船型及隧道尾型。

    In order to improve the propulsive efficiency and carrying capacity of unit power of the pushboat , save energy , and increase the economic results of pushing transport , the pushboat form and tunnel form are being developed abroad with great effort .

  22. 介绍惯性释放的功能和原理,并以某观光潜艇和江海直达推船的全船结构强度直接计算为例,说明惯性释放功能的应用。

    Making examples of FE finite element analysis on ship structures of a tourist submarine and a river-to-sea tug , this paper discussed about the function and principle of inertia relief , as well as the application of it in direct calculation of ship structural strength .

  23. 全球最大造船商&韩国现代重工业株式会社(HyundaiHeavyIndustries)上周五公布了创纪录的季度利润,在围绕中国的全球贸易不断增长的推动下,市场对船舶日益上升的需求推升了船价。

    Hyundai Heavy Industries , the world 's largest shipbuilder , on Friday reported a record quarterly profit as increasing demand for ships drove up vessel prices amid growing global trade surrounding China .

  24. 帕克看见一条小船,便大喝一声,把那些逃亡黑奴推上了船。

    Parker saw a small boat and , with a shout , pushed the escaping slaves into it .

  25. 从安装维修横隧道型艏推装置,降低船阻力和确保艏部流线光顺流畅不产生气泡等方面推荐采用大伸出上翘型球鼻艏。

    The large-protruded upward-bending bulbous bow is recommended after studying various related aspects such as the arrangement of ducted bow thruster , reducing of ship resistance , keeping bow lines fair and smooth , and prevention against air-bulbs .

  26. 发展海洋顶推运输的新思维&微型无人推船推驳船队

    New considerations on the development of deep sea push-barge shipping-minitype unmanned pusher-barge unit