
tuī sòng
  • Push;propelling movement
推送[tuī sòng]
  1. 当系统认为它正在被阻断时,它会通过推送警报来通知你。

    When the system thinks it 's being jammed , it 'll notify you via push alert .

  2. 基于智能Agent的Web信息自动推送系统

    Automatic Recommendation System of Web Information Based on Intelligent Agent

  3. 基于Agent的数字图书馆个性化信息推送服务模型研究

    The Model of Personalized Information Push Service Based On Agent Technology

  4. 电子政务中基于移动Agent的智能信息推送系统

    Mobile Agent Based Intelligent Information Pushing System in E-Governance

  5. 基于XML的信息推送服务及实现

    Information Push Service and Its Realization Based on XML

  6. 基于Multi-Agent的Web个性化信息推送系统

    Study of Web Personalized Information Push System Based on Multi-Agent

  7. Push技术是一种信息推送技术。

    The Push technique is one of an information technique .

  8. 基于MATLAB和Pro/E凸轮连杆推送机构设计

    Design of Cam and Link Pusher Based on MATLAB and Pro / E

  9. 最后,本文还设计了一个基于Comet服务器推送技术的Web客户端。

    Finally , we propose a design for Comet-based server push module .

  10. 固件限制仅适用于通过您的USB连接推送文件。

    The firmware limitation only applies to pushing files over your USB connection .

  11. 它可以是您直接使用的预定义的服务,比如针对移动应用程序的推送通知和针对Web应用程序的弹性缓存。

    It can be a pre-defined service that you use directly & such as push notification for mobile and elastic caching for a web application .

  12. 利用UML技术建立图书馆个性化推送系统模型

    Modeling of Personalized Pushing System Using UML

  13. 但是目前没有一个完整的框架能在产品设计过程中推送3D模型的知识。

    But there is no framework for a complete product design process which can push the 3D model of knowledge actively .

  14. 当协议发起者向CA发起请求时,CA使用主动推送机制把发起者信息推送给协议响应者。

    When the initiator requests to CA , the CA node actively pushes the information of initiator to responder .

  15. Ajax应用程序可充分利用这一点,模拟实时服务器推送技术。

    Ajax applications can make full use of that to simulate a real-time server-push feature .

  16. 基于RSS的农业信息推送技术的研究与实现

    The research and implement of agriculture information push technology based on RSS

  17. RSS技术在图书馆信息推送服务中的应用

    Application of RSS technology in the pull-service of library information

  18. 信息聚合和信息推送是RSS的两大基本功能。

    Information aggregation and information push are 2 major basic functions of RSS .

  19. 基于RSS技术的政府绩效信息聚合与推送研究

    Research on Integrating and Delivering the Government Performance Information Based on RSS Technology

  20. RSS技术在新闻推送系统中的应用研究

    Research on Application of RSS in News Push-Delivery System

  21. 当连上安卓设备,你就可以进行短信推送和GPS导航。

    When paired to an Android device , you can also take advantage of SMS integration for conversations and GPS functionality for navigation .

  22. 实现Ajax服务器推送

    Implementing an Ajax server push

  23. 同时,平台还整合了移动信息机(MobileAgentServer)的短消息发送功能和Oracle数据库的变化数据捕获(ChangeDataCapture)机制,对一些重要信息提供实时推送服务。

    Moreover , important information can be pushed real-time by integration of text message service of the Mobile Agent Server and Change Data Capture mechanism of Oracle database .

  24. 介绍了信息的推送拉取技术,并探讨了Intranet中信息的分类。

    This paper introduces the information push pull technology and discusses the classification of information on Intranet .

  25. 但是,推送会带来一些扩展性问题;服务器应用程序CPU使用率是拉取方式的7倍。

    However , push brings some scalability issues ; the server application CPU usage is7 times higher as in pull .

  26. 如果Watch的主要用途之一是显示智能手机应用推送的通知,它还能独立存在吗?

    If one of the Watch 's main uses is to display notifications pushed out by smartphone apps , could it have an independent existence ?

  27. 方式一:采用TCP/IP通信协议,使用windowsSockets网络编程实现信息的快速推送。

    Being adopted TCP / IP communication protocol , PUSH technology can be realized by network programming with Windows Sockets .

  28. 它还带有一个高效的实时模块(Gravity),该模块基于Comet实现,支持可伸缩的数据推送。

    It also comes with an efficient real-time module ( Gravity ), based on Comet implementations , allowing scalable data-push .

  29. Palm和宏达(HTC)等其它智能手机销售商也已推出具备电子邮件推送功能的产品。

    Other smartphone vendors such as Palm and HTC also have products offering push e-mail .

  30. 对J2EE体系结构进行了深入研究,并在此基础上设计实现了新闻推送系统。

    This paper focuses on designing and realizing a news push-delivery system , which is based on a deeply research about J2EE architecture .