
  • 网络Standard of environmental noise;the standard for the environment noise
  1. 根据国家环保局关于区域环境噪声标准划分的规定,本文提出了区域环境噪声标准定量化划分的模型。

    According to the rules of EPA on deviding the standard of environmental noise of urban area , we provide the model about quantitative deviding the standard of environmental noise of urban area .

  2. GIS在城市区域环境噪声标准适用区划分中的应用县级城市(镇)环境噪声标准适用区域划分方法和程序探讨

    Method and procedure of district division for environmental noise standard being suitable to city at county level

  3. 经处理后,钢管喷漆工段漆雾与噪声污染得到了有效的控制,达到降噪25dB(A)以上的工程效果,符合环境噪声标准要求。

    After disposal , contamination of paint mist and yawp at pipe spray paint section gained effective control , achieved project effect with drop yawp above 25 dB ( A ) and meet the requirements of environment yawp specification .

  4. 甘南县城镇区域环境噪声标准区域划分

    Dividing Environmental Noise Standard Region in Town Area of GanNan County

  5. 浅谈环境噪声标准存在的问题与修订要点

    Existing question for the environment noise standard and its revising

  6. 结论所调查小区的规划建设基本合理,总体可以满足环境噪声标准的要求。

    Conclusion The construction planning of the areas surveyed accords with criteria for ambient noise .

  7. 风景旅游区环境噪声标准问题探讨

    Approach on Noise Standard in Tourist Area

  8. 建议由当地政府依据当地的实际情况划分确切的测量时间段和适用的区域环境噪声标准类别。

    This article suggests the local government divide definite measuring time and practical standards for noise measurement .

  9. 在总结了本地区县级城市(镇)噪声区划工作的基础上,介绍县级城市(镇)环境噪声标准适用区域划分的一般方法和程序。

    On the basis of summarizing the noise district division work at county seat ( town ) in this prefecture , the general method and procedure of the district division for environmental noise standard being suitable to the city at county level ( town ) were presented .

  10. 巡视了大农场的边界第四十三条新建营业性文化娱乐场所的边界噪声必须符合国家规定的环境噪声排放标准;

    Article 43 Noise level at the boundary of newly-constructed profit - making cultural and entertainment centers must be kept within the limits of environmental noise emission set by the State .

  11. 在分析和计算了要满足环境允许噪声标准后,给出了一种吸音墙体和隔声挡墙的设计实例,达到了良好的治理效果,对空调系统室外机设计有参考价值。

    Through analyzing and computing satisfy environmental noise criteria , a sort of noise absorption wall and sound insulation wall are introduced , which obtained good effect . It has reference value for outdoor machine design in air conditioning system .

  12. 在建成使用阶段进行现状评价,检查环境噪声是否达到标准,同时为社区声环境规划、建设和管理等积累科学经验和使用反馈信息,以便不断提高居住社区声环境质量。

    At the mean time , accumulate experience of community acoustic environment plan and management to improve the quality of residential community acoustic environment .

  13. 另外,我国缺少针对居住区内部声环境的详细噪声标准,在评价居住区内部声环境时,较为笼统,不具体,也不能真实、客观地反映居住区声环境的质量。

    In addition , our country lacks internal acoustic environment in residential area detailed noise standard , in the evaluation of residential area of internal acoustic environment , more general , not specific , also not true , objectively reflect the quality of acoustic environment in residential district .

  14. 对《超标环境噪声排污费征收标准》的异议

    Objection to Levy Standard on Noise Exceeding Environment Standard

  15. 认为环境影响评价的噪声适用标准应以排放标准为主,并提出修订城市区域环境噪声标准和铁路环境噪声标准时,应充分注意铁路的类型及其噪声的特点,提高标准的科学性和可行性。

    When the noise standard for city regional environment and the noise standard for railway environment being revised , the type of railway and its noise character should be sufficiently noticed , so to improve the scientific character and feasibility of the standard .

  16. 为有效地控制城市噪声污染的程度和范围,便于城市环境噪声管理和促进噪声源治理,城市区域环境噪声标准适用区划分(以下简称“噪声区划”)势在必行。

    In order to effectively control the degree and scope of city noise pollution , strengthen city environmental noise management and promote noise control , city environmental noise division is necessary .

  17. 在居住小区建设中,过去对声环境的控制重视程度不够,当发现居住区的环境噪声标准超标以后,才尽力对小区区域环境进行声学处理与改善。

    In the past construction course of residential quarter planning , the recognition degree of controlling acoustics environment is not enough .

  18. 结果表明,福州市区环境质量总体状况良好,但城市污水处理率、环境噪声达标率离标准值都有一定的差距。

    The results showed that the environment quality in Fuzhou urban area was good in general , but the urban sewage disposal and noises decreasing lagged behind the standard values .

  19. 系统还可对区域环境噪声进行分析评价,通过生成区域环境噪声等值线,并根据环境区域噪声的标准规定,直观的显示整个城区的区域环境噪声污染情况。

    This system also can analyze and assess the regional environment by generating the regional environment contour , and it can intuitional show the situation of the regional environmental noise pollution of the entire city on the basis of the standard provisions of the regional environmental noise .