
jiǎn zhèn
  • damping;shock-absorbing;shock absorption;decouple
减震 [jiǎn zhèn]
  • [damping;shock absorption] 减少震动

减震[jiǎn zhèn]
  1. 顶层TMD减震系统在土木工程中的应用机械式减摇机构的动力学模型及其数值计算

    The application of TMD shock absorption system in the top of structures in the civil engineering Dynamical Model and Numerical Analysis of Mechanic Shock Absorption System

  2. 将逆向软件和专业CAD软件结合起来是针对复杂曲面模型重建的有效方法,以神舟五号载人航天飞船缓冲减震垫设计为实例,探求了复杂曲面重建规律。

    Let the reverse software be combined with the specialized CAD software is an effective method for complicated surface model reconstruction . Take the design of buffer shock absorption pad of SHENZHOU ⅴ manned space airship as a living example the law of complicated surface reconstruction was explored .

  3. 你认为我需要换新的减震器吗?

    Do you think I need new shocks ?

  4. 跑鞋有额外的减震设计。

    Running shoes have extra cushioning .

  5. 还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。

    There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver 's head in the worst impacts

  6. 有效的减震装置缓解了我们着陆时的冲撞力。

    Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing .

  7. 他们被安置在埃及博物馆里,并在过去的一个世纪里接受来自世界各地游客的参观。为运送这批木乃伊,埃及方面专门定制一支金色车队,加装减震装置,以防路面磕碰。

    They were housed in the iconic Egyptian Museum and visited by tourists from around the world for the past century .

  8. 埃及考古学家扎希·哈瓦斯介绍,装载木乃伊的特制棺材内填充氮气,也是起到保护作用。每具木乃伊都由加装特殊减震装置的花车运送,四周有车队护送,其中还包括马拉的仿造战车。

    Each mummy was carried on a decorated vehicle fitted with special shock-absorbers and surrounded by a motorcade , including replica horse-drawn war chariots .

  9. 外骨骼有时也被称为“可穿戴机器人”,有的靠电池供电、电脑操作,包含发动机和液压装置,也有比较简单的运用弹簧和减震器的被动式设计。

    Sometimes also referred to as " wearable robots " , they can be battery-powered and computer-operated , incorporating motors and hydraulics . Or they can be more simple , passive designs that use springs and dampeners .

  10. ER智能材料-减震结构体系的研究

    Research on ER Intelligent Structure System Suppressing Earthquake Responses

  11. 网壳结构TMD减震系统的优化设计

    Optimum Design for Reticulated Shell Structure-TMD Systems Subjected to Seismic Excitations

  12. 抗震GR减震系统设计新思路

    A new design approach to the knock reduction system of antiknock GR tools

  13. 多层房屋结构屋顶隔热层TMD减震控制系统设计

    Aseismatic system design of using thermal-insulating roof as TMD of multi-storey construction building

  14. 加层结构中TMD减震优化设计方法

    The optimum design method of TMD in extension-storey structures

  15. 考虑土与结构相互作用效应的TMD减震特性研究

    TMD Shock Absorbing Characteristics Considering Soil-Structure Interaction Effects

  16. 固定式海洋平台利用TLD的减震研究

    Seismic response reduction for fixed offshore platform by tuned liquid damper

  17. 基于ANSYS有限元软件讨论了高层建筑结构利用悬挂质量摆减震的原理及减震性能。

    An approach using the suspended mass pendulum to reduce the structural response to earthquake ground motion was discussed based on the ANSYS software .

  18. TLD结构减震体系的简化计算248体系。

    Simplified calculation of TLD structure system 248 from both .

  19. 滩海储油平台的TLD减震研究

    Shock Absorption Study on Offshore Platform with Storage Tank Used as TLD

  20. 在软土地基条件下TMD的减震效果很差。

    On the soft ground condition the SAE of TMD almost lost due to SSI effects .

  21. ER智能材料-减震结构体系是一种新兴的多学科交叉的智能结构体系。

    The ER ( Electrorheological ) intelligent structure system suppressing earthquake responses is a kind of new intelligent material structure system combined multiple subjects .

  22. FPS型TMD振动台试验模型设计及其减震效率仿真分析

    FPS Typed TMD Design for Shaking Table Test and Seismic Reduction Efficiency Simulation Analysis

  23. 复相型Zn-Al基减震合金阻尼特性的研究

    Internal Friction Properties of Zn-Al Based High Damping Alloys

  24. 将铅芯橡胶隔震支座应用于LNG储罐减震中,对其减震效果进行了研究。

    The lead rubber bearing system is applied to reduce the earthquake response of LNG storage tank , and the effectiveness of the system is investigated .

  25. 然后,采用模型试验的方法研究TLD对滩海储油罐平台减震的影响。

    Secondly , the shock-absorption influence on the offshore platform with storage tank used as TLD is investigated through model test .

  26. 表面修饰的纳米金刚石微粒在润滑油中的抗磨减摩性Pall摩擦耗能减震器减震性能研究

    Research on Wear Mechanism for Modified Nano-diamond Powder as Additives in Lubricating Oils The shock absorption properties of Pall frictional energy dissipation shock absorber

  27. 结果表明,EPDM/CIIR共混比为80/20硫化胶有较好的综合性能,比单独使用EPDM作主体材料的减震胶垫减震效果更好。

    The result shows that synthesize performances of EPDM / CIIR devulcanizing blend using in shock absorption were better as its ratio was 80 / 20 , than single EPDM .

  28. 并最终通过时程分析验证了TMD运用于拱桥减震控制的有效性。

    Finally , the fact that fixing TMD in arch bridge is a effective method to reduce the seismic response of the structure is verified by the time-marching analysis result .

  29. 通过系列振动台模型试验,研究土-结构相互作用对结构TLD减震控制影响。

    The effects of soil-structure interaction ( SSI ) on TLD 's performance to suppress the seismic responses of structures are studied by a series of shaking table model tests .

  30. 按照两阶段设计的方法,减震桥梁在小震L1和大震L2等级时对减震装置的位移要求不同。

    According to two stage device that design , damping device used in bridge in the small earthquake different from that strong earthquake .