
xiāo shēng
  • noise elimination;damping;soundproofing
消声 [xiāo shēng]
  • [noise elimination] 消音

  • 消声器

消声[xiāo shēng]
  1. WJ-3型交流接触器消声节电器的使用和推广

    Usage and repair of noise elimination saver of WJ-3 ac contactor

  2. 地下轨道交通大系统风机的消声方法

    Noise Elimination Method for Large System Fan in Underground Rail Transit

  3. 在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹。

    The rumour had to disappear before facts .

  4. “她是哪来的?”短跑界对此十分震惊,接着就断定她不过是那种昙花一现的选手,一时表现得好,但很快就会毫无征兆地消声觅迹。

    " Where did she come from ? " asked an astonished sprinting world , before concluding that she must be one of those one-hit wonders that spring up from time to time , only to disappear again without signs .

  5. 消声器是压缩机噪声控制中常用的消声装置

    Muffler is the conventional muffling device in the noise control of compressor .

  6. 基于BP网络的管道自适应有源消声研究

    Adaptive active noise control in ducts based on BP network

  7. 消声室自由声场的CAD及其某些结果的讨论

    CAD of free sound field in an anechoic room and some of its deductions

  8. 一个汽车排气消声系统CAE软件的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a CAE Software for Exhaust System

  9. 本文介绍了作者运用文献[3]中消声室自由声场的镜象法计算公式,制作出消声室自由声场的CAD。

    The present authors have made CAD of free sound field in an anechoic room from formula of the image method .

  10. 应用于有源消声的变换域LMS算法

    A Transform Domain Filtered-X LMS Algorithm Applied to Adaptive Active Noise Control

  11. 应用于有源消声的间歇自适应RLS算法

    An Intermittent RLS Algorithm Applied to Adaptive Active Noise Control

  12. 进行了消声水池实验,结果表明波束域高分辨MUSIC法分辨力高,对阵列误差具有较大的宽容性。

    At last , experiments are carried out in a water tank . Experimental results show that the beam-space MUSIC algorithm has high resolution ability and can bear preferably with array modeling errors .

  13. 高密度的MDF箱体四周配以不同厚度的高阻尼沥青和内衬消声泡沫。

    A high density MDF cabinet with walls of varying thickness is heavily damped with bitumen and lined with anechoic grade foam .

  14. 基于动态神经网络(DNN)的多通道有源消声仿真分析

    Simulation of Multi-channel Active Noise Control Based on Dynamic Neural Network

  15. AANC是采用自适应方式完成次级声源控制的有源消声。

    AANC is accomplished by adaptive secondary source of the active noise control .

  16. 近十几年来,有源消声技术(ANC)成为噪声控制领域的研究热点。

    In recent decades , active noise control ( ANC ) has become a hot research subject in noise control field .

  17. 实验研究主要应用LMS算法进行,直接采用LMS算法时,初级声源和次级声源间较大的相位差会严重影响消声量。

    The experimental study is based on LMS and the experimental data showed that major phase difference existing between the two acoustic sources would affect noise reduction seriously .

  18. 最后通过Matlab与VC++联合编程开发出基于传递矩阵法的消声器消声量计算模块。一个设计优良的消声器不但要有好的消声性能,还必须有好的结构性能。

    At last , the acoustic calculation modules based on transmission matrix has developed using VC + + and Matlab . A well-designed exhaust muffler will not only have good acoustic performance , but also have good mechanical performance .

  19. 改善宽带有源消声系统性能的间歇自适应IRLS算法

    An Intermittent RLS ( IRLS ) Algorithm for Improving Adaptive Active Acoustic Wideband Noise Control

  20. 针对自适应有源消声最常用的滤波xLMS算法(FLMS)运算量小、收敛缓慢、宽带消声效果差等不足之处,利用误差通道滤波特性,提出了变换域滤波xLMS算法。

    The most commonly used algorithm for adaptive active noise control ( AANC ) is filtered - X LMS ( FLMS ) algorithm which is not suitable for active control of wideband noise because of its slow convergence rate .

  21. 并依据噪声评价曲线确定理论消声量,根据理论计算,设计了J-50拖拉机主机和起动机排气消声器。

    From the calculation . the authors design the main engine 's muffler and the starter 's exhaust muffler of J-50 tractor .

  22. 消声器初步设计完成后,运用一维流体力学软件GT-Power对其基本消声单元及其结构性能进行数值分析和仿真计算。

    Will use a one-dimensional fluid dynamics software GT-Power muffler preliminary design complete its basic muffler unit and its structure and properties of numerical analysis and simulation .

  23. 本文用混响室消声箱法对具有不同几何和物理参数配置的弹性粘弹性阻尼复合板传声损失(TL)进行了系统的实验测量。

    In this paper , the measurement of sound transmission loss ( TL ) is carried out with " reverberant chamber-receiving box approach " for elastic - viscoelastic laminated damping panels ( EVLDP ) with varying geometric and physical parameters .

  24. 通过对比分析,最终选择了在1000Hz以下的低频消声性能相对较好的两种设计方案:单扩张腔式空气滤清器和Helmholtz共振腔式空气滤清器。

    Two kinds of design show more noise reduced below 1000 Hz , one is the air-in filter with only one expand chamber , and the other is with the Helmholtz resonator .

  25. 介绍了新研制的HD651型大功率局部通风机成功降噪的阻性消声技术原理、结构和有关计算,并应用在通风机上进行实际检测。

    The technology principle , construction and design calculation of resistance noise reduction for HD651 big power local ventilation fan developed recently are discussed in this paper .

  26. 首先,运用GT-Power软件对几种主要类型的消声器进行传声损失的计算,通过改变其结构参数,找出增大低频消声量的因素,再结合理论分析,最终得出降低低频噪声方法的结论。

    Then the accuracy of the conclusion is verified . Firstly , the GT-Power software is used to calculate the transmission loss of several main kinds of mufflers by changing the parameters of their structures . Then the factors of increasing low frequency noise deadening capacity are identified .

  27. 在标准的半消声室,用B&K3560型噪声测量分析系统,对4110Q柴油机整机和油底壳、飞轮壳、油泵,摇臂罩等零部件的噪声进行了台架试验研究。

    The noise of 4110Q diesel engine and its oil pan , flywheel cover , oil pump , valve chamber has been studied by the analysis system of B & K3560 in the normal Semi-anechoic chamber .

  28. 经消声、隔声等声学措施后,进风口和工人操作点的噪声强度分别降低33和10dB(A)以上,达到了预期的效果。

    With the treatment of acoustic measures of noise elimination and sound insulation , the reducing of noise level at enter port and operating point exceeds 33dB ( A ) and 10 dB ( A ) respectively , this comes to the desired results .

  29. 有效消声频率范围从50&500Hz,最佳消声指数对单频声接近50dB,对1/3oct带宽噪声18dB对1oct带宽噪声为10dB。

    The effective absorption ranges from 50 Hz to 500 Hz . And the optimum index of absorption is about 50 dB to single-frequency noise , 18 dB to 1 / 3 oct band noise and 10 dB to 1 oct band noise .

  30. 经过性能测试,其中3消声器的消声性能最优,插入损失为23.5dB(A),比原消声器提高7.5dB(A),满足了设计指标。

    Among these , muffler type 3 # was found to be optimal through performance test . Its muffled amount was 23.5dB ( A ), which was 7.5dB ( A ) higher than the original one and met the design requirements .