
  • 网络fire protection design
  1. LNG站消防设计探讨

    Discussion on the Fire Protection Design of LNG Station

  2. 安全疏散性能化消防设计初探

    Discussion on the evacuation strategy in the performance-based fire protection design

  3. 110kV户内变电所主变压器室消防设计探讨

    Study on Fireproof Design of Main Transformers for 110 kV Indoor Substations

  4. 从该案例分析结果可以明确在广州XY项目工程的消防设计采用以性能化设计为基础的消防工程分析方法,达到了确保建筑消防安全的目的,并对此提出改进建议。

    The results from case studies in Guangzhou XY clear the fire design of the project engineering design using performance based fire engineering analysis , to ensure the building met fire safety purposes , and which recommendations for improvement .

  5. 北京万通新世界广场给排水及消防设计

    Plumbing & fire protection design of Wang Tong New World Plaza

  6. 太原理工大学主教学楼消防设计

    Fire-fighting design of main teaching building of Taiyuan university of technology

  7. 公寓式住宅与公寓式办公消防设计存在的问题

    Existing problems in fire-protection design of apartment house and apartment office

  8. 常熟市招商城中心区城市设计中的消防设计

    Fireproof design in central area of commercial district in Changshu City

  9. 桶装可燃化学品仓库消防设计探讨

    Discussion on Design of Fire-fighting System for Barreled Combustible Chemicals Warehouse

  10. 储存水溶性液体内浮顶罐泡沫消防设计问题探讨

    Discuss of form Design in Inner Floating Roof Storage Tank

  11. 赛科900kt/a乙烯装置的消防设计

    Design for Fire Protection in SECO 900 kt / a Ethylene Unit

  12. 论高层建筑消防设计中的问题

    Discussion on problems existing in fire-fighting design of high-rise building

  13. 浅谈建筑消防设计及施工的若干问题

    Discussion on problems in fire design and construction for architecture

  14. 电气消防设计和施工的常见问题及其解决办法

    Analysis on Common Problems and Solutions in Electric Fire-Fighting Design and Construction

  15. 城市地下公路隧道工程消防设计探讨

    Discussion on the fire protection design of city road tunnel

  16. 洁净厂房消防设计探讨

    Discussion on the Fire Protection Design of the Clean Workshop

  17. 高层综合体育训练馆消防设计有关问题探析

    Discussion on the Fire Protection Design of Comprehensive High-rise gymnasium

  18. 低温储存液化烃罐消防设计探讨

    Discussion on Fire-fighting Design for Liquefied Hydrocarbon Storage Tank at Low Temperature

  19. 关于乙烯低温冷冻罐消防设计的思考

    Discussion of Fire_fighting Design for Cryogenic Storage Tank for Ethylene

  20. 高层建筑设备用房消防设计有关问题探讨

    Discussion on the fire fighting design of device rooms in tall buildings

  21. 合肥市国际商业城工程消防设计

    Fire Prevention Design for an International Commercial Center in Hefei

  22. 建筑消防设计中疏散时间的确定方法

    The time numerical method of evacuation in a burning building

  23. 浅谈中庭开敞式商场的消防设计

    Fire Protection Design in the Department Stores with Open Atrium

  24. 轨道交通给排水及消防设计

    Water Supply and Drainage and Fire-Fighting Design for Track Traffic

  25. 南宁翡翠园康居示范小区(一期)住宅消防设计

    Residential Fire Control Design of First Stage of Nanning Emerald Pilot Residential Quarter

  26. 南京邮件处理中心的给排水及消防设计

    Water & Wastewater System and Fire Control System Design of Nanjing Postal Center

  27. 危险性评估与经济性分析在性能化消防设计中的应用

    The Application of Risk Assessment and Economical Analysis in Function Fire Fighting design

  28. 日照木浆工程木片露天堆场消防设计

    Fire Protection Design for Large Open Storage Chip Piles of Rizhao Pulp Mill

  29. 正确认识建筑物性能化消防设计与评估

    Considerations on the performance-based fire protection design and assessment

  30. 玻纤企业储油罐区消防设计体会

    Experiences in fire control design for oil tank area in glass fiber plants