
  • 网络Peptic Ulcer Disease;PUD
  1. 严重难治性消化性溃疡病诊断的困境:1例病例报道和全面回顾

    Severe and refractory peptic ulcer disease : The diagnostic dilemma . Case report and comprehensive review

  2. 医保改革后我院治疗消化性溃疡病的药物应用分析

    Analysis of the use of curing peptic ulcer disease drugs in our hospital after medical insurance reform

  3. 消化性溃疡病患者胃窦粘膜幽门腺5-HT细胞和G细胞免疫组织化学研究

    Immunohistochemical studies on 5 - HT and gastrin cells in human antral mucosa during peptic ulcer

  4. 结论:胃窦粘膜5-HT细胞和G细胞可能参与了消化性溃疡病的内分泌调节。

    Conclusion : It is suggested that 5-HT cells and G cells may participate in the endocrine regulation during peptic ulcer .

  5. 在消化性溃疡病的治疗中,H2受体拮抗剂和H+K+ATP酶抑制剂的疗效已被大家公认。

    The H2 receptor antagonist and H + - K + - ATP inhibitor might have good curative effect in treatment of peptic ulcer .

  6. 目的:观察幽门螺杆菌(H.pylon)阳性消化性溃疡病和慢性胃炎患者H.pylori根除前后胃粘膜病理改变与空泡毒素(VacA)活性的关系。

    Background / Aims : To investigate the influence of VacA activity on the gastric mucosa prior to and after Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) eradication in Chinese patients with peptic ulcer disease and chronic gastritis .

  7. 痢特灵治疗消化性溃疡病的远期疗效观察

    An Observation of Long-term Therapeutic Effect of Furoxone in Peptic Ulcer

  8. 黄芪柴胡散治疗消化性溃疡病复发36例的追踪观察

    Following Observation on 36 Cases of Peptic Ulcer Recurrence Treated with Huangqi

  9. 目的了解廊坊地区消化性溃疡病流行病学特点。

    Objective To find out Langfang regional epidemiological feature of peptic ulcer .

  10. 浙江省消化性溃疡病流行病学调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the epidemiology of peptic ulcer disease

  11. 消化性溃疡病住院患者健康教育满意度的调查分析

    Peptic Ulcer Patients Health Education Analysis of Satisfaction Survey

  12. 治疗消化性溃疡病的药物经济学研究

    Study of pharmacoeconomics on the therapy peptic ulcer

  13. 磷酸铝凝胶与法莫替丁治疗消化性溃疡病的疗效对比

    A Comparative Study on Aluminum Phosphate Gel and Famotidine in Treatment of Peptic Ulcer

  14. 消化性溃疡病病人的不良认知方式与人格特点分析

    Analysis of the Charactristics of the Cognition and Personality of Patients with Peptic Ulcer

  15. 醋氨己酸锌在消化性溃疡病中的治疗作用

    The role of zinc acexamate ( zine ) in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease

  16. 目的了解消化性溃疡病药物治疗情况,对其用药合理性进行分析评价。

    Methods A total of144 patients with peptic ulcers for four years were studied retrospectively .

  17. 择期胃切除术治疗消化性溃疡病的概念将逐渐淡化。

    The concept of selective gastrectomy for cure peptic ulcer will be diminish step by step .

  18. 目的寻求学龄期消化性溃疡病患儿有效的治疗、护理措施。

    Objective To investigate the effective treatments and nursing measures for school age child digestive ulcer .

  19. 消化性溃疡病;

    Peptic ulcer disease ;

  20. 消化性溃疡病胃镜下溃疡分期和舌象色度关系研究

    Study on Relationship between Gastroscopic Stage Classification of Peptic Ulcer and Chromaticity of Tongue Color and Its Coating Color

  21. 南京市22家医院2003年~2005年抗酸及治疗消化性溃疡病药物利用分析

    Analysis of the Drugs for Antiacid and Peptic Ulcer Diseases in 22 Hospitals of Nanjing Area during 2003 ~ 2005

  22. 1996年~2002年南京地区医院抗酸药及治疗消化性溃疡病类药应用分析

    Analysis of the Use of Antiacids and Other Drugs for Peptic Ulcer in Nanjing During the Period 1996 ~ 2002

  23. 近年来,我国各地报告检查病例中消化性溃疡病的检出率介于[1]16%~28%。

    In recent years , our country report inspection cases peptic ulcer disease detection rate between [ 1 ] 16 % ~ 28 % .

  24. 结论:该片剂处方合理,工艺简单,适合于工业化生产,可为消化性溃疡病的临床防治提供一个新剂型。

    CONCLUSION : The tablet will play an important part in prevention and treatment of peptic ulcer as a result of its reasonable formulation and simple technology .

  25. 方法:采用金额排序法和用药频度排序法,对南京市22家医院2003年~2005年抗酸及治疗消化性溃疡病药物用药数据进行统计分析。

    METHODS : In ranking of amount of money of drugs and DDDs , the drugs for antiacid and peptic ulcer diseases in 22 hospitals of Nanjing area during 2003 ~ 2005 statistically analyzed .

  26. 目的了解我院医保改革后治疗消化性溃疡病药物的应用状况及其变化趋势,以期为医疗保险的深化改革及药物研究的方向提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE The use of curing peptic ulcer disease drugs in our hospital was analyzed so as to know its application tendency and provide a factual basis for the development of medical insurance reform and the direction of drug research .

  27. 本文分析了湖南省7个医院20年来(1959~1978)经手术和/或X线钡餐检查、纤维胄镜或尸检证实的消化性溃疡病5025例。

    A total number of 5025 inpatients of peptic ulcer of 7 hospitals in Hunan Province were studied in a period of twenty years ( 1959-1978 ) . The diagnosis were established by operation and / or barium meal examination , Some cases were diagnosed by endoscopy and autopsy .

  28. 奥克用于治疗消化性溃疡等病安全、有效。

    Aoke is safe and effective in treating peptic ulcer .

  29. 消化性溃疡的病机核心侧重于肝、脾、胃三脏,而气滞血瘀贯穿病因病机的始终。

    Disease machine of ulcer of digesting etc. core lay particular emphasis on liver , spleen , three stomach dirty , and stagnation of the circulation of vital energy blood silt getting ill all the time to run through cause of disease .

  30. 急、慢性胃炎,消化性溃疡是临床常见病、多发病。

    Object : Anxious , chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer ( pu ) are clinical common and frequent-occurring diseases .