
nǎo jǐ mó yán
  • cerebrospinal meningitis
  1. 医生们发现一种快速诊断儿童是否罹患致死性的脑脊膜炎,是一种发生在大脑和脊髓表面被覆的膜的炎症。

    Doctors have a faster way to determine if a child has a deadly type of meningitis , an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord .

  2. 我们已经观察到严重耳部感染发病率的下降,例如:儿童和成人患肺炎链球菌性脑脊膜炎发病率的下降以及儿童发生频繁耳部感染人数的减少。

    We have seen declines in the incidence of serious infections such as pneumococcal meningitis in both children and adults , as well as the number of children developing frequent ear infections .

  3. 江苏省建湖县健康人群流行性脑脊膜炎血清学调查

    Serological Survey on Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis among Healthy Population in Jianhu County of Jiangsu Province

  4. 这项研究的作者强调:脑脊膜炎的风险可以通过预防教育和接种的努力而得以控制,这使他们仍然相信耳蜗植入的益处远远超过了脑(脊)膜炎的风险。

    The study 's authors stress that it remains their belief that the benefits of cochlear implants far exceed the risk of meningitis , which can be managed by education and vaccination efforts .