
  • 网络Naoqing;Nylidrin
  1. 气相色谱法测定脑清片中咖啡因和氨基比林的含量

    Determination of the Contents of Aminopyrine and Caffeine by Gas Chromatography

  2. 本文采用多波长直线回归法测定脑清片中氨基比林和咖啡因的含量。

    Determination the Content of Aminophenazone in Compound Amantadine Hydrochloride Tablets by HPLC ;

  3. 结论:强力脑清素片可以使用多功能制粒机进行生产。

    Conclusion : Qianli Naogingsu Tablets can be manufactured by more method equipment .

  4. 表明脑清喷鼻微乳能全面改善急性缺血性脑卒中患者的血液流变学。

    It showed that NAO-QING Nasal Spray Microemulsion could improve the hemorheology . 5 .

  5. 气机调畅,肝血充足,则脑清神聪。

    Qi regulating , liver blood is enough , the brain clear God . 3 .

  6. 脑清灵口服液治疗抽动秽语综合征110例

    Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette 's Syndrome by " Naoqingling Fluid " in 110 Cases

  7. 脑清灵汤治疗抽动秽语综合征的作用及机理研究从《内经》的心身医学观谈抽动秽语综合征的发病机制

    Study on Function and Mechanism of Nao Qingling Tang ( Nao Qingling Decoction ) for the Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome

  8. 结论抑制下丘脑中IL1β含量的增多,从而减少下丘脑cAMP的生成与释放,可能是脑热清的重要解热机制之一。

    Conclusion One of the antipyretic mechanisms of NOS may be related with inhibiting the increased content of IL-1 and decreasing the production and release of cAMP in the hypothalamus .

  9. 结果脑热清对家兔内毒素性发热有显著的解热作用(P001),能够明显降低下丘脑中IL1β及cAMP的含量(P001)。

    Results NOS showed marked antipyretic effects on the endotoxin-induced fever ( P0.01 ) and remarkably decreased the contents of IL-1 and cAMP in the hypothalamus ( P0.01 ) .

  10. 方法建立家兔内毒素性发热模型,观察脑热清对家兔体温的影响,并利用放射免疫法检测下丘脑白细胞介素1β(IL1β)及环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)含量的变化。

    Methods The rabbit model of endotoxin-induced fever was established in order to observe the effects of NOS on the rabbit body temperature . Radioimmunoassay was used to detect the changes in the contents of IL-1 and cAMP in the rabbit hypothalamus .

  11. 脑为清阳之府。

    Brain is known as " the house of lucid yang " .

  12. 目的:观察脑热清口服液的解热和抗炎作用。

    Objective : To study antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects of Naoreqing oral liquid .

  13. 目的探讨脑热清口服液的解热机制。

    Objective To investigate the antipyretic mechanism of Naoreqing oral solution ( NOS ) .

  14. 脑忆清胶囊对老年小鼠和拟痴呆大鼠记忆功能的影响

    Effect of Nao Yi Qing Capsule on Memory in Aged Mice and Dementia Mimetic Rats

  15. 目的观察脑毒清颗粒对急性脑梗死患者血液流变学指标的影响,并探讨其作用机理。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Naoduqing Granule on Hemorheology Indices of patients with acute cerebral infarction , and to discuss the mechanism .

  16. 结论脑热清口服液对术后发热有显著的退热作用,对感染和非感染性发热均有效,退热作用与脑瘤性质无关。

    Conclusion NOS possesses a marked antipyretic effect on postoperative fever , being effective for both infective and noninfective fever , and its antipyretic effect is not related with the properties of the cerebral tumors .

  17. 脑热清对颅内感染和非感染性发热均有较好的退热作用,其对两者的退热度数、治愈率、治愈加显效率和总有效率均无显著性差异;

    NOS manifested a very good antipyretic effect on both intracranial infective fever and noninfective fever , without obvious difference between the treatments of the two types of fever concerning the degrees of temperature lowered , cure rate , cure plus effectual rate and the total effective rate ;

  18. 根据头痛的发病特点,认为头痛是由外感六淫之邪、或内伤七情、饮食劳倦等导致气滞血瘀、痰浊瘀阻脑络,清窍不利而发病。

    In the light of the features of headache attack , it is believed that headache is caused by qi-blood stagnation , phlegm and blood retention in head and subsequent brain dysfunction .

  19. 泻火可理解为清泻肺热、清心脑之热、清脾胃之热、清大肠之热以及肝胆之热;

    Purging fire means clearing away the pathogenic heat of lung , the heart and brain , the spleen and stomach , the large intestine and the liver and gall ;

  20. 它们是山羊皮的,而且是蓝色的,而让福特特别满意的是,尽管这会有一脑门子扯不清的官司,但自己还是保持着敏锐的洞察力,能在汽车飞驰中,从后座上一眼发现橱窗里的这双鞋子。

    They were suede and they were blue , and he was very pleased that in spite of everything else going on he had been sharp-eyed enough to spot them in a shop window from the back of a speeding taxi .

  21. 脑之于肺在于脑为清阳之府,痰火是肺病及脑的产物。

    Brain to brain lung is Qing Yang Fu , fire is the lung and brain . 5 .

  22. 脑之于脾在于脑为清阳之府,痰湿是脾病及脑的产物,且风痰相兼、痰瘀相关。

    The brain in the spleen depends on the brain of Qing Yang Fu , phlegm is the spleen and brain metabolites , and wind phlegm , phlegm ang . 4 .