
  • 网络endorphine
  1. 三是脑内吗啡肽的研究对美育作用认识的深化。

    Finally , the research of cerebral morphia peptide will deepen our understanding to aesthetic education .

  2. 结果表明:人体组织内吗啡分布与实验动物组织内吗啡分布基本一致,且发现脑内吗啡分布与阿片受体分布一致。

    The research confirmed that morphine distribution of tissues in heroin-addicts is concordant with animal experimental results , and distribution of morphine in brain consists with μ opioid receptor .

  3. 孤啡肽在大鼠脑内对抗吗啡镇痛

    Antagonistic effect of orphanin FQ on morphine analgesia in rat brain

  4. 孤啡肽与八肽胆囊收缩素在大鼠脑内拮抗吗啡镇痛的协同作用

    OFQ and CCK 8 act synergistically in antagonizing morphine analgesia in rats

  5. 脑室内或脑组织内微量注射吗啡的镇痛效应

    Analgesic effect of intraventricular or intracerebral micro-injection of morphine

  6. 脑内注射肾上腺素与吗啡镇痛作用关系的研究

    Analgesic action of intracerebral injection of adrenaline in relation to that of morphine

  7. 结论:多次注射吗啡能引起大鼠脑内OFQ含量和释放增多,结合以往关于OFQ在脑内对抗吗啡镇痛的事实表明内源性OFQ可能参与急性吗啡耐受的形成。

    Conclusion : Considering the previous finding of the anti opioid effect of OFQ in the brain , the increased content and release of OFQ in rat brain may play important roles in the in vivo mechanism for the development of acute morphine tolerance .