
  • 网络modern harmony
  1. 霍华德·汉森的现代和声理论和应用

    Theory and Application of Howard Hanson 's Modern Harmony

  2. 巴托克的和声同样具有创新意义:他也采用序列作曲,他的调式半音体系是在对民间音乐多调式综合的基础上建立的,他的富有特色的和声音响是现代和声与民间音乐结合。

    Bartok 's harmony is full of innovation too , he employs series into his composition , his mode-chromaticism is established on base of folk music multi-mode , and his distinctive harmony sonority is the combination of modern harmony and folk music .

  3. 要确立高师音乐学专业的教学模式与方法,教学内容应涉及近现代和声手法,而且《基础和声》与《旋律写作》课应同时开设。

    The teaching content should involve itself in modern technique and music major of normal universities .

  4. 从完美中求突破从禁锢中求解放&试论传统大小调和声向近现代和声的转移与过渡

    Making a Breakthrough from Perfection and Seeking Emancipation from Prohibition & transition from traditional major-minor harmony to modern one

  5. 充分运用现代和声的方法,把男声组合的艺术表现力达致更细腻的层次和加添更丰富的色彩。

    The Cloudland Male Voice Ensemble takes full advantage of the modern harmony to explore the beauty of music with delicate touches .

  6. 复调音乐的进一步发展,孕育了现代调性和声的胚胎。

    The development of polyphonic music conceived the embryo of modern tonal harmony .

  7. 重点分析他们极具现代性的和声手法。

    Focus on analysis of their very " modernity " of the harmonic approach .

  8. 现代教学媒体在和声共同课教学中的应用

    Application of Modern Teaching Media in the Chorus Class

  9. 现代帕萨卡里亚对位与和声形态(二)

    Modern Passacaglia Counterpoint and Harmony Patterns ( continued );

  10. 改进的(现代流行音乐)和声向导。

    Improved chord wizard pop ballad preset .