
  1. 试论现代雕塑艺术与符号

    Discussion on Modern Sculpture Art & Symbol

  2. 约克郡雕塑公园是一个国际性用于展现当代和现代雕塑艺术的长廊,充满了挑战、灵感和欣喜。

    Yorkshire Sculpture Park is an international gallery for modern and contemporary sculpture that challenges , inspires and delights .

  3. 现时代的本土雕塑家如何能够在学习借鉴西方雕塑,特别是罗丹之后的现代雕塑艺术的同时,又能够接续自身的传统?

    How can the Chinese native sculptors learn from western sculpture , especially modern western sculpture after Rodin , and meanwhile continue their own tradition ?

  4. 具体的研究结果如下:(1)综合目前国内外对民族色彩的研究,结合现代雕塑艺术发展趋势,提出论文的研究目的、内容及论述方法。

    The main results are organized as the following . ( 1 ) Based on the present study on national color at home and abroad , and combined the development trend of modern sculpture art , the thesis puts forward research purpose , content and elaborate way .

  5. 理想·泡沫·消亡·涅盘&质疑中国现代公共雕塑艺术情结

    The Artistic Complex of Modern Public Sculpture of China

  6. 现代陶瓷雕塑艺术的表现手法,可以概括为两个方面:成型手法和装饰手法。

    The means of representation of modern ceramics plastic art includes Formation and Decoration .

  7. 现代金属焊接雕塑艺术语言的探索

    An Approach to the Artistic Language of Modern Metal Welding Sculptures

  8. 论中国传统雕塑性陶艺与现代雕塑性陶艺艺术表现之比较

    On the Chinese Tradition of Ceramic Sculpture and Pottery Sculpture and Modern Art Performance Comparison

  9. 现代雕塑起源与原始艺术

    The original of modern sculpture and " Primitive Art "

  10. 基于此,认为有必要对中国传统雕塑性陶艺和现代雕塑性陶艺的艺术表现进行比较。

    Based on this , that it is imperative to the traditional Chinese and modern sculpture and ceramics and pottery sculpture of artistic expression were compared .

  11. 本文对现代雕塑如何融入公共艺术空间,在公共空间扮演的角色,以及公共环境对现代雕塑的要求进行了阐述。

    This paper deals with how modern sculptures can be involved in the public arts space , how it can take an important part in public spaces and the requirement of public environment to modern sculptures .

  12. 第二、三章分别分析了中国传统雕塑性陶艺和现代雕塑性陶艺的艺术表现,它们各具特色,在不同的时间,代表了当时人们的精神内涵和审美需要。

    Secondly , an analysis of three chapters , respectively , the traditional Chinese and modern sculpture and ceramics and pottery sculpture of artistic expression , they have different characteristics at different times , on behalf of the people at that time the spiritual connotation and aesthetic needs .