
  • 网络Live News;spot news
  1. 广播电台播放了第一地点的现场新闻。

    The radio station broadcast the spot news from the primary place .

  2. 由于硬新闻的时效性,其还被称为现场新闻或即时新闻。

    Hard news is also known as spot news or immediate news for its timeliness .

  3. 电视现场新闻的事件建构

    Construction of Events in Live TV Report

  4. 听音辨形&英语现场新闻听力理解的先决条件主位结构、信息结构与听力语篇理解

    Speech Recognition in Listening & the Key to Understanding English News Broadcasting On Thematic Structure , Information Structure and Listening Discourse Comprehension

  5. 你可以关注今天在老特拉福德的现场新闻记者的博客来获取最新的球队新闻。

    You can follow our reporters on the scene in the Today at Old Trafford blog for the very latest team news .

  6. 如何营造现场短新闻的现场效应

    How to Create the " Scene Effect " of Scene Short News

  7. 谈现场短新闻的三要素

    Talk about Three Key Elements of Spot Shortage News

  8. 现场短新闻就是简短地再现新闻及现场的目击式新闻报道。

    Scene short news is a kind of witnessed news reports that briefly recaptures the news and the scene .

  9. 本文通过对历年荣获中国电视新闻消息类一等奖作品的分析,从现场短新闻的内涵、现场画面的视觉冲击、主题的提炼、新闻标题等方面进行阐述,从中感受电视现场短新闻的魅力。

    Through a careful analysis of China TV news first prize winners over the years , the author senses the charm of the brief spot coverage from their connotation , the visual shock caused by the pictures of the scene and the refinement of the topics and headlines .

  10. 新闻现场直播在新闻实践发展中占有越来越大的比重,成为新闻直播中常见的一种形式。

    News live practice development in the news plays an increasingly large proportion of the news broadcast in the common form .

  11. 现场报道是新闻节目增强现场感的一个重要手段,而记者现场出镜又是现场报道的重要形式。

    Its well proved in practice that live reportage is an effective and major means to improve TV social news coverage .

  12. 有意制造了一个新闻事件&车祸的现场,以新闻的手段反映了当下急速发展的社会状态。

    Dramatizes a traffic accident and uses the means of " news " to reflect the social status quo of high-speed development .

  13. 现场报道代表着新闻的发展方向。

    The spot report represents the developing direction of the news .

  14. 论电视记者的现场效应试论电视新闻的现场直播

    Important for TV Reporters to be at the Live Spot Discuss on the TV Live Broadcast of News

  15. 电视新闻直播,是在新闻现场直接播送反映新闻事件的图像和声音,从而使新闻事件的发展和播出与受众的收看同时进行的一种电视节目播出方式。

    Live TV Report is a method which means sending images and voices from news locale to audience at the same time .

  16. 现场戏剧通过假的新闻报道使惊慌失措的一些听众误以为描绘的火星人入侵是真的。

    The live drama , which employed fake news reports , panicked some listeners who thought its portrayal of a Martian invasion was true .

  17. 在一场现场直播中,新闻媒体受邀参加该公司员工用手机上的应用程序进行猪头扫描的活动。

    In a live connection , the press was invited to attend how a company employee scanned a pig head with an app on his mobile phone .

  18. 但让该联盟出名的,是其宣称一条政府正在动车相撞事故现场掩埋证据的新闻为谣言。上月发生的那起动车相撞事故,造成至少40人死亡。

    But it gained prominence only after it denounced as a rumour the news that the government was burying evidence at the site of a rail crash which killed at least 40 people last month .