
  1. 王平:这是中国历后奥运史上的一次大丰收!

    Wang Ping : This is a big harvest in the history of the Chinese Olympic Games .

  2. 来自奥林匹亚的圣火登上了世界最高峰,中国书写了奥运史上的一个奇迹!

    The torch from Olympia boarded the world 's highest peak , the Chinese Olympic writing a history of a miracle !

  3. 中国出现了奥运史上最热的门票销售居民&距离8月8日北京奥运会开幕还有3个月,向境内公众提供的北京地区赛事门票已预订一空。

    China has hailed the hottest ticket sales in Olympic history , with all seats offered in advance to the local public for events in Beijing booked out three months ahead of the games ' August 8 opening .

  4. 在那一波三折、跌宕起伏的9天里,中国射击队用一幕幕欢笑和泪水谱写了中国射击在奥运史上新的华章。

    In that twists and turns , ups and downs of9 days , the Chinese shooting team scenes with laughter and tears to write the Chinese Olympic shooting in the history of new China chapter .