
zì yóu huá
  • free skating
自由滑[zì yóu huá]
  1. 跳跃动作是花样滑冰自由滑动作技术的核心。

    The action of jumping up is seen as the technical core of free skating of figure skating .

  2. 因此,应该先在自由滑当中熟练掌握内板承重的时机。

    Thus , the proper timing related to loading the inside ski has to be mastered in a free skiing first .

  3. 他们还会解释短节目和自由滑之间的差异和评分的注意事项。

    They also explain the differences between the short and long programs , and what to look for while judging the components .

  4. 同时,玛丽莎·卡斯特莉和西蒙·夏纳佩尔以及菲丽亚·张和内森·巴索罗梅晋级花样滑冰双人自由滑比赛。

    And in pairs ice skating Marissa Castelli and Simon Shnapir along with Felicia Zhang and Nathan Bartholomay advanced to their free programs .

  5. 布特尔斯卡娅失去了遥遥领先的优势,最终在自由滑项目中仅名列第三,排在斯卢茨卡娅后面,这也让关颖珊获得了整场比赛的冠军。

    Butyrskaya lost her commanding lead by finishing only third behind Slutskaya in the free skate , allowing Kwan to win the overall title as well .

  6. 是什么原因让这些热爱自由的美国人很有可能让这个自由滑走?

    For what reasons could freedom-loving Americans possibly let this freedom slip away ?