
  • 网络Freedom Force
  1. 认识的主体性与人的自由属性紧密相关,主体性是个体自由力量展开的形式和结果。

    Subjectivity of cognition is closely interrelated with attribute of human freedom . Subjectivity is the form and result of individual freedom force 's unfolding .

  2. 因此,今晚,让我们怀著对自由力量的信心和对人民的信任,为成其大业而奋斗。

    So tonight , with confidence in freedom 's power , and trust in the people , let us set forth to do their business .

  3. 我们已经得了自由的力量,帮助我们在服事中活出这新的诫命。

    We are free to live out the New Commandment in our ministries .

  4. 自由的力量令人难以置信。

    And the power of that freedom is unbelievable .

  5. 在每一个生命和每一块土地上,我们都感受到人类自由的力量和要求。

    The power and appeal of human liberty is felt in every life and every land .

  6. 家庭内部讲求纪律和追求自由的力量有时会互相冲突,而这些力量的共同作用塑造了比尔·盖茨的性格。

    The sometimes colliding forces of discipline and freedom within the clan shaped the entrepreneur 's character .

  7. 用专业的技术和服务精神,通过创造性的劳动,为社会的和谐和自由贡献力量!

    With the creative efforts , we contribute the professional skills and service spirit to the society !

  8. 世界上任何一个地区都不能更鲜明的证明亚太地区市场自由的力量。

    No region of the world demonstrates the power of free markets more vividly than the Asia Pacific .

  9. 推崇自由市场力量的新古典主义思想,可能决定英国是否会采纳欧元,以及我们管理学校、医院和福利体系的方式。

    Neoclassical ideas favouring unfettered market forces may determine whether Britain adopts the euro , how we run our schools , hospitals and welfare system .

  10. 有消息称伊拉克军队和自由斗士力量将在美国空袭的支持下采取地面行动,但目前这一计划还没有得到美国军方的确认。

    This plan which has not been confirmed by the US military would involve Iraqi army and Peshmerga forces on the ground with US air support .

  11. 但是,如果说人们希望这种新技术天生就是一种自由化力量,那么看见集权政府颇为轻易就能控制互联网,这种希望已经开始动摇。

    But the hope that the new technology would be an inherently liberal force has been shaken by the relative ease with which authoritarian governments have managed to control it .

  12. 一个不可否认的礼物,从上帝,在最基本的意义上的悖论万能镜的爱和自由的力量和走向,我们在这人生的道路上旅行的温柔。

    An undeniable gift from God , a paradox in the most elemental sense , Magnum mirrors the love and the liberty , the strength and the gentleness toward which we travel on this road of life .

  13. 在历史上,只有一种力量能够打破仇恨和怨忿的束缚,撕下暴君的伪装,满足那些宽容大度的正派人士的愿望,那就是人类自由的力量。

    There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment , and expose the pretensions of tyrants , and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant , and that is the force of human freedom .

  14. 戴维斯先生被捕之后发表了一段大言不惭的讲话:“我们厌倦了那些复杂的公司王国来控制我们,让我们团结,我们能轻易击败普通的压迫者,并且给我们自己我们需要的自由和力量。”

    A grandiloquent statement issued after Mr Davis 's arrest said : " We are sick of the twisted corporatocracy that controls us ... united , we can stomp down our common oppressors and imbue ourselves with the power and freedom we deserve . "

  15. 首先,我们各国必须对自由市场的力量保持信心。

    First , our nations must maintain confidence in the power of free markets .

  16. 他认为能让许多人都近距离和谐地居住在一起要归功于斯兰教和新自由主义的力量。

    He credits Islam and neoliberalism as the forces that keep its many people living harmoniously in close quarters .

  17. 我们建立了相互安全国际网络,自由世界的力量和团结就能遏制任何对手发起侵略。

    We built an international network of mutual security so that the strength and the solidarity of the free world would deter any adversaries from aggression .

  18. 再过一年,或者五年,伊拉克危害所有自由国家的力量将会成倍增加。

    In one year , or five years , the power of Iraq to inflict harm on all free nations would be multiplied many times over .

  19. 自由的最大力量就是战胜仇恨和暴力,将男女老少的创造力转化为对和平的追求。

    And the greatest power of freedom is to overcome hatred and violence , and turn the creative gifts of men and women to the pursuits of peace .

  20. 你将会看到,自由不仅仅是力量和秩序,而且是占据主导地位的战无不胜的力量和秩序,它使其他一切力量源泉都相形见绌。

    You will see that liberty not only is power and order , but that it is power and order predominant and invincible , & that it derides all other sources of strength .

  21. 没有人怀疑他有能力择选继任者,这在很大程度上是因为他压制了所有的异议,但这也反应了一个事实,即选民对于依稀尚存的自由派反对力量极为冷淡。

    That nobody doubts his ability to choose his own successor owes a lot to his suppression of all dissent , but it reflects also the fact that voters have little love for the tiny liberal opposition remaining .

  22. 基金作为一种合约性的组织,其治理结构的重心是依靠水平方向上各个参与主体自主选择和自由退出的力量,而不是通过组织内部垂直方向的命令与服从来维持。

    As a kind of contract organization , the management of the structure is relied on the independent choice and unrestricted quit power of relevant participants in horizontal direction , instead of the maintenance by the inner order and obedience in vertical direction .

  23. 虽然警方尚未提供任何作案动机,但一些市民和新闻从业者怀疑,袭击刘进图的行为可能意在威胁或警告香港媒体。自从被免职以来,刘进图便成了倡导新闻自由的号召力量。

    Though police have offered no motive , some local residents and journalists have questioned whether the attack on Mr. Lau -- who has become a rallying point for press-freedom advocates since his dismissal -- was intended as an occupational threat or warning .

  24. 放眼寰球,你定然会对那些具有启发性的景象钦佩不已。你会看到,自由不仅仅是力量和秩序,而且是占据统治地位的不可征服的力量和秩序它使其他一切力量的源泉都相形见绌。

    Look round the world , and admire , as you must , the instructive spectacle . You will see that liberty not only is power and order , but that it is power and order predominant and invincible - that it derides all other sources of strength .

  25. 对我国高水平男子自由式摔跤运动员力量训练的研究

    On Strength Training of High-level Men 's Free-style Wrestling in China

  26. 第三,我们要加强热爱自由的国家的力量,以抵御侵略的威胁。

    Third , we will strengthen freedom-loving nations against the dangers of aggression .

  27. 历史在一个自由社会最大的力量是它自我改正的能力。

    The great strength of history in a free society is its capacity for self-correction .

  28. 我要在自由、欢乐、力量和意志中展翅翱翔

    I have felt to soar in freedom and in the fullness of power , joy , volition

  29. 合同场域内私法主体的自由与国家管制力量之间复杂的关系;

    The complex relationship between the freedom of private law clients and the control strength from the state ;

  30. 理论上透过自由竞争的市场力量,应该可以达到最理想的结果。

    But , again , market forces under a freely competitive environment should be able to determine an optimal outcome .