
  • 网络the hospital;Theme Hospital;Theme Hospiting;Theme Hospitwis
  1. 自卫生部和国家中医药管理局在各级各类医院开展以病人为中心,以提高医疗服务质量为主题的医院管理年活动以来,医患关系一直是社会各界探讨的热点话题。

    Since the campaign " Year of Hospital Administration " was launched by Ministry of Health and State Ministration of Traditional Chinese Medicine , the doctor-patient relationship has become a hot topic in the entire society .

  2. 本期主题医德与医院文化医院文化与医学道德论根植于祖国传统医学道德的现代医院管理模式

    Hospital Culture and Medical Ethics Modern Hospital Management Models Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medical Ethics

  3. 全面降低成本,是医院管理的永恒主题,是医院资本运营追求的根本目标。

    To reduce cost is an invariable theme for hospital management together with the aim of hospital capital operation .

  4. 第三、在第五章第一节,本文提出了有关中国公立医院行为的理论模中图分类号:FOS,F12主题词:非营利性医院;营利性医院;

    Third , in the first section of chapter 5 , this paper builds a theoretical model to explain the hospital 's behavior in China .

  5. 开展主题年活动推进医院战略目标实现

    Developing subject year to improve hospital strategic goal

  6. 医疗质量是医院的永恒主题,也是决定医院生存与发展的核心要素。

    Medical treatment quality is a permanent theme of a hospital , also the essential factor that resolve the existence and development of a hospital .

  7. 本文以医院专利为主题,阐明了医院专利管理中的相关法律问题,指出依法加强医院专利管理工作的重大意义。

    This paper clarified the legal problems of the management of hospital patent and pointed out that it was vital for hospital to strengthen the management of patent .

  8. 正在进行的医疗体制改革的主题之一就是减少医院来自药品销售的收入,这样可以使得病人在医院和零售药店之间能够做出选择。

    One of the key themes of the ongoing reform of the medical system is to wean hospitals off the revenue that comes from drug sales , allowing patients to choose between hospitals and retail pharmacies .