
zhǔ shí zhōnɡ
  • master clock
  1. EPA网络控制系统时钟同步主时钟控制算法研究

    Research on Control Algorithm to Optimal Master Clock of Clock Synchronization in EPA Networked Control Systems

  2. 主要介绍了电力时间同步组网模式、GPS系统的基本概念及其决定因素,并对变电站GPS主时钟的基本技术要求作了简短小结。

    This essay mainly introduced electric time synchronous net-form mode , the basic concept and the determinant of GPS system . The basic technical need of substation GPS master clock is briefly summarized .

  3. 同时,利用DSP的可编程定时器输出引脚TOUT0作为A/D转换器的主时钟,简化了系统设计,实现了高精度数据采集的功能。

    The system design is reduced and realized the function that the high-accuracy data collected .

  4. HD2给USB界面使用了一枚晶振,给主时钟使用了一枚晶振。

    HD2 use one crystal oscillator for USB-interface and one crystal oscillator for master clock .

  5. 本文根据最佳主时钟算法确定PTP时钟是主时钟还是从时钟。

    Best master clock algorithm is used to decide whether the PTP clock is master clock or slave clock in the thesis .

  6. 图像缓存过程由DSP启动,在缓存过程中,SDRAM写操作首先被图像传感器的输出时钟触发,然后由SDRAM的主时钟进行同步,在一帧图像采集完成后CPLD通知DSP图像采集结束。

    The write-operation of SDRAM is started by the output clock of image-sensor , and synchronized by the SDRAM main clock . The DSP is informed by CPLD when one frame image has been acquired .

  7. 身体的主时钟基础状态下激活另外一种激素刺激由脑垂体释放ACTH。

    The release of ACTH by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain is driven by a third hormone that is activated by the body 's master clock .

  8. 主时钟与PCM数据端时钟或ADPCM数据端时钟可以是异步的,不同的时钟控制范围内的数据同步或交换是通过一个深度为8的FIFO来实现的;

    The master clock can be asynchronous with PCM data side clock or ADPCM data side clock . Using an 8-depth async FIFO solves the synchronization and exchange of data be-tween different clock domains .

  9. 本文首先概述了时间同步的基本概念以及时间同步技术的发展,其次对PTP协议中时钟同步的通信机制、最佳主时钟算法以及PTP报文的收发流程进行了全面系统地分析和研究。

    This paper firstly outlines the basic concepts of time synchronization and development of time synchronization technology , then analyzes and researches the PTP clock synchronization communication mechanism , best master clock algorithm , as well as the PTP messaging and internal events in a comprehensive systematic way .

  10. 主时钟每秒产生的脉冲数。

    The number of pulses per second produced by the master clock .

  11. 主时钟,由电池、蓄电池或交流电源驱动

    Clock , master , battery , accumulator or mains powered

  12. 哈特表示他好奇的想知道他所说的“主时钟”表现如何。

    Hart says he is intrigued to know how what he calls , " this master clock , " works .

  13. 事实上,它是一系列由大脑的“主时钟”控制的时钟。

    In fact , it 's a series of clocks controlled by a single " master clock " located in the brain .

  14. 最后,网络时钟同步系统的主时钟选举出来后,其它的时钟节点就可以通过网络传送的时钟报文同步于此主时钟。

    Finally , after the master being selected , other clock nodes can synchronize to the master through transmitting and receiving messages .

  15. 结果显示,连续3个夜班让大脑的主时钟缩短了平均大约两小时。

    The results showed that three night shifts in a row moved the brain 's master clock by about two hours on average .

  16. 由于采用同一主时钟对数据抽样,不需要进行相位校准,简化了电路的设计;

    Because the same master clock is used in sampling circuit , phase alignment isn 't needed , and the circuit design can be simplified .

  17. 主时钟调节这些昼夜节律需使用大约20000个位于下丘脑的神经细胞——视交叉上核。

    The master clock manages these circadian rhythms using a group of roughly 20000 nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nuclei ( SCN ) , located in the hypothalamus .

  18. 我们的大脑中有一个中央主时钟,它会根据周围光线的变化来控制人们何时醒来和入睡。

    Our bodies have a central master clock in the brain that draws on changes in ambient light to control when we wake up and when we fall asleep .

  19. 第二时钟最妙的地方就在于它可以覆盖我们的主时钟,也就是说你应该可以在一天之内将你的生物钟调整到一个新的时区。

    The neat thing about this second clock is that it can override the main clock * and you should just flip into that new time zone in one day .

  20. 但是这些测量是基于本地时钟的,由于主时钟和透明时钟设备可能存在频率方面的差异,这就会带来误差,从而影响同步的精度。

    However , these measurements are based on local clocks , and errors resulting from differences in the rates of the master and the transparent clock devices affect the synchronization accuracy .

  21. 在哺乳动物动物中,包括人类,在脑中有一个主时钟和在器官中发现次级时钟,协调每天的行为和生理节律。

    In mammals , including humans , a master clock in the brain and subordinate clocks found in organs throughout the body coordinate daily , or circadian , rhythms of behavior and physiology .

  22. 在萨里大学,研究人员测量了褪黑素和皮质醇的水平。这两种荷尔蒙会根据身体的主时钟增加和减少。研究人员还测量了同消化有关的代谢物的水平。

    There , researchers measured levels of hormones called melatonin and cortisol , which rise and fall according to the body 's master clock , along with levels of metabolites linked to digestion .

  23. 研究人员发现,连续三个夜班对大脑中的身体主时钟没有多少影响,但它对肠胃功能造成了巨大破坏,让有关的自然周期出现了整整12小时的偏差。

    Three night shifts in a row had little impact on the body 's master clock in the brain , researchers found , but it played havoc with gut function , throwing the natural cycle out by a full 12 hours .

  24. 论文在高速大容量数据存储控制器的设计部分详细分析了DDR2内存的主控制逻辑,时钟管理、寻址方式和长存储模式下触发功能的设计。

    The main control logic of DDR2 memory , clock management , addressing mode and the implementation of trigger function under long storage mode are analyzed in detail in the thesis .

  25. 并实现了主控程序及时钟设定、键盘中断服务、红外、碰撞传感器检测等子程序。

    Moreover , it completes the main controlling program and also realizes the clock setting , the keyboard interrupt service subprogram and the detection procedures of infrared and collision sensors .