
  • 网络Hardwired;Hard Link
  1. 改善了安全硬连接和文件系统存根许可。

    Improvements have been made to secure hard links and filesystem stub permissions .

  2. 另外在管线上的增进是「华项目」备份文件、不是目录、件、名了的管线、号或硬连接。

    The other enhancements in the pipeline are " luxury items ": backing up files , that are not directories , files , named pipes , symbolic or hard links .

  3. 因此,通常我们会看到客户机从硬连接(hard-wired)集成开始,然后转到点到点服务集成。

    Therefore , we typically see clients starting from a hard-wired integration , then go on to a point-to-point service integration .

  4. 两个对象之间的关系实际上只需要Retweet对象上的一个硬连接。

    The relationship between the two objects really only needs a hard connection on the Retweet object .

  5. 传统的伪谱时域差分(PSTD)方法中不存在硬连接边界条件,基于Gao等人的思想,在PSTD计算区域内设置8~10个网格层的连接区。

    Hard connecting boundary is absent in the traditional pseudospectral time-domain ( PSTD ) algorithm . In this paper , a connecting region with 8 ~ 10 layers between total filed and scattering field is introduced on basis of Gao 's idea .

  6. 另外,请避免使用硬连接的流循环。

    Also avoid looping of the flow using hard wiring .

  7. 在组装关系图中,两个调用活动硬连接到目标实现。

    The two invoke activities are hard-wired to target implementations in the assembly diagram .

  8. 这不是相信与否,需要在这里没有信仰,这是一个硬连接反应。

    It is not something to believe in or not , no faith required here , it is a hard wired response .

  9. 它很小,功能有限,且要使用它,需要对其进行硬连接。

    It was small , functionality was limited and to make it do anything it had to be hard-wired to do it .

  10. 例如,虽然某一特定单元测试的数据库连接始终返回相同的硬连接结果,但可能会记录查询。

    For example , a database connection for a particular unit test might record the query while always returning the same hardwired result .

  11. 虽然这种配置可以被硬连接到嵌入的软件代理,但是将代理配置参数化可以得到更灵活的解决方案。

    While this configuration can be hardwired into the embedded software agent , the solution is more flexible when the agent configuration is parameterized .

  12. 下面是一个样本应用程序,它实例化您的解析器,并且为它提供了一个硬连接在应用程序顶部的表达式。

    Here 's a sample application that instantiates your parser and feeds it an expression that you hardwired in at the top of the app .

  13. 不幸的是,在现今可用的大多数建模工具中,代码生成模式一般是硬连接到工具中的,并且提供对要生成的目标代码的定制的非常有限的支持。

    Unfortunately , in most modeling tools available today , code generation patterns are typically hard-wired into the tool , providing very limited support for customizing the target code to be generated .

  14. 新型链条抽油机采用链条轨来代替传统抽油机连杆的硬连接以满足大冲程的工作要求。

    Many idler pulleys are adopted in the structure of the new type chain pumping unit instead of girder pole in traditional connection mode , which can achieve a long stroke at work .

  15. 实践表明,该系统与原有的硬连接控制电路相比,杜绝了皮带拉断和打滑的现象,大大降低了故障率,取得了明显的经济效益。

    The new system indicates , compared with the past control circuit of fixed connection , the breaking and skidding of the belt is stopped , the fault rate is greatly reduced , and the obvious economic benefits has made .

  16. 原系统主要存在以下问题:现场的传动设备、传感器与PLC之间仍然是采用I/O硬线连接。

    There are mainly following problems existed in the originalsystem : Driving equipment and transducer in the field are still connected with PLC by I / Olines .

  17. 遗留系统、性能和其他QoS特性可能会阻碍使用最优的访问机制:不管是纯服务、硬编码连接或混合方法。

    Legacy systems , performance , and other QoS attributes will tend to be constrained to use the most optimal access mechanism : whether pure services , hard-wired , or hybrid .

  18. 混合服务路由器(用于贷款流程3)的一部分连接是硬编码连接(由于遗留约束),而其他部分则支持通过SOA中的服务灵活调用。

    A hybrid service router ( which is used for Process Loan 3 ) is one in which parts of the connection are hardwired due to legacy constraints , while other parts are enabled for flexible invocation through services in SOA .

  19. 确定软件设计流程,并对双核之间的硬通信连接、协调控制等进行管理设计。

    To determine the software design process , and to make the design of dual-core communication links by hard connection and coordinated control to manage system .

  20. 但是,早期的采用者可以创建具有较多的组件硬编码连接类型的服务组合,其中的某些服务(业务功能的松散耦合单元)与组件进行组合,以产生实际良好运行的组合。

    However , early adopters can create compositions of services that involve a more hard-wired type of composition where some services ( loosely-coupled units of business functionality ) are combined with components to produce a realistically well-performing composition .

  21. 就像在源代码中很容易硬编码数据库连接String一样,在构建脚本中也应该避免将路径之类的东西硬编码。

    Just as it 's easy to hard-code database connection Strings in your source code , you should also avoid hard-coding things like paths in build scripts .

  22. 35kV并联电抗器中性点采用硬管母线连接接头的发热改造

    Transformation on Overheating of Hard-tube Bus Joint of 35 kV Shunt Reactor Neutral

  23. 但是需要重写硬编码的连接。

    But a hard-coded join needs to be rewritten .

  24. 消息路由:将传入消息发送到目的地,该目的地通过硬编码方式连接的逻辑确定或基于内容的动态方式确定。

    Message routing : An incoming message is sent to a destination determined either through hard-wired logic , or dynamically-based on content .

  25. 发布时可能修改的字符串永远不用硬编码,例如连接字符串。

    Never hardcode strings that might change based on deployment such as connection strings .