
yìng jì shù
  • hard technology
硬技术[yìng jì shù]
  1. 主题:如何解决软体沙发长期存在的“硬技术”瓶颈。

    Topic : How to remove the long-existing hard technology " Development Bottleneck " for sofa furniture industry .

  2. 在做好总体安排的前提下,要调整好三类研究结构、产前产中产后研究结构、种养加研究结构、硬技术与软技术研究结构及不同层次学科研究结构。

    Under the overall planning , three types of research and after production ; planting , breeding and processing ; hard technology and soft technology and the subject at different levels .

  3. 对产生误差的途径进行硬技术隔离,并利用DSP数字处理器高速的处理能力,对系统实现高性能的算法控制,实现幅值和相位的误差进行补偿,从而实现该数字电压放大系统的高精度输出。

    The hard technique to segregate errors that affect system precision was adopted , apply the high processing ability of DSP and the advanced digital control ( arithmetic ), realize the compensation of phase error and amplitude error , the digital voltage amplifier system achieve ( outstanding ) precision .

  4. 农业技术创新包含硬技术创新和软技术创新;

    Agrotechnique innovation involves hard technique innovation and soft technique innovation ;

  5. 单程平面磨削淬硬技术的理论分析和试验研究

    Study on Mechanism and Experiment of Single-pass Surface Grind - hardening Technology

  6. 更多地体现为硬技术进步方面;

    Second , there is more hard technological advancement .

  7. 这一差异符合莱文森对硬技术决定论与软技术决定论的划分。

    The difference between the hard technological determinism and soft technological determinism comes from Paul Levinson .

  8. 硬技术进步和软技术进步概括了住宅产业技术进步及其贡献的内容。

    The contents of housing industry technological progress and its contribution is summarized in the aspects of " hard technological " progress and " soft technological " progress .

  9. 在中国,技术进步对就业的影响具有强烈的时代色彩,从某种意义上讲,中国的软技术进步比生产过程中的硬技术进步对经济和就业具有更为重要和深远的影响。

    In China , the impacts of soft-technology advancements on the economy and employment are more important and far-reaching than those of hard-technology advancements in the production processes .

  10. 磨削淬硬技术将某些工件的表面热处理工艺和磨削加工工艺集成到一起,可以降低生产成本,提高生产效率,缩短产品生产周期,因此磨削淬硬技术具有较大的经济价值和社会效益。

    Grind-hardening integrate surface heat treatment process and grinding into one production line , which can decrease manufacturing cost , improve machining efficiency , and reduce production time .

  11. 磨削淬硬技术利用磨削热将工件表层加热到足够高温度,然后迅速冷却,使工件表层发生马氏体相变达到淬硬的目的。

    A new technology called grind-hardening utilizes grinding heat to induce martensitic phase transformation and strengthen the surface layer by raising surface temperature higher than austenitic temperature and cooling quickly .

  12. 现有生产率分析方法主要是对全要素生产率的估计与分解,这些方法不能解释体现在资本中的硬技术与未体现在资本中的管理技术对生产率的影响。

    The main productivity analysis method is based on estimating and decomposing total factor productivity , which can 't account for the effect of investment-specific technology and management technology on productivity .

  13. 使硬技术与软技术、外在形象与产品质量、人才与环境、小科学与大科学、市场需求拉动与技术推动协调配合,增强企业竞争能力。

    The technology has to be coordinated with the market , hard technology with soft technology . quality of product with image of enterprise talent with enviroment and research with development .

  14. 但是,在中国电信运营企业的硬技术日趋成熟并与世界保持同步的情况下,软技术,即企业战略管理已明显滞后。

    But , under the condition that hard technology of Chinese telecommunication operating enterprises mature day by day and maintain synchronous with the world , soft technology , namely , strategic management of enterprise lags behind markedly .

  15. 本文提出了一种在广义技术创新框架之下,社会、经济、环境的多层次上,硬技术与软技术并重的第四代技术展望理论。

    In this paper , the author proposes the 4th generation of technology foresight under the framework of broad technological innovation system , in which soft technology & hard technology are equally stressed , and multi-dimension of the society , economy and environment will be enhanced .

  16. 在Web挖掘研究中,传统硬聚类技术常被用来分析网站浏览者对网页的浏览偏好。

    Lately , most studies have relied on traditional hard-clustering techniques to analyze web user profile data for their prefer in web mining .

  17. WCDMA的硬切换技术

    WCDMA Hard Handoff Technique

  18. 详细介绍了WCDMA的硬切换技术、信令流程,以及在现网中的实现。

    In this paper , WCDMA hard handoff technique , signaling procedure and realization in present network are introduced in details .

  19. 基于对ARM局限性的分析,从雷达新体制、新技术及战术运用等方面着手,重点研究了对抗ARM的电子干扰方法及技术措施,并简要介绍了以硬摧毁技术对抗ARM的方法。

    Based on the limitation of antiradiation missile ( ARM ), electronic countermeasure methods of antagonizing ARM are studied emphatically , and the technique of antagonizing ARM by hard kill is introduced briefly .

  20. 通过冲压过程的动态模拟来矫正基本的特征形态,修复模具在局部缺陷处的CAD模型,为最终以激光焊接技术和高速硬切削技术为基础实现模具的快速物理修复提供可靠的依据。

    By dynamic simulation on stamping process to rectify the basic feature shapes and restore the CAD model of die at defective locations , a reliable foundation for rapid physical repair based on technologies of laser welding and high speed machining is provided .

  21. 介绍了硬拷贝技术在备份医疗设备系统中的应用,探索了一种新的备份方式,从而解决了UNIX系统等难备份的问题。

    Describes the application of hardcopy technology in the backup of medical equipment system , and discusses a kind of new backup method so as to solve the problem to do the backup of UNIX system , etc.

  22. 方法分析比较传统方法(颅骨钻孔脑室外引流24例)与硬通道技术方法(采用YL-1型针钻一体针行脑室外引流42例)行脑室外引流的效果。

    Methods Comparing effects of 42 cases external ventricular drainage of the hard channels ( Using the needle of YL-1 type to operate external ventricular drainage ) with results in 24 cases by traditional external ventricular drainage .

  23. 高速硬切削技术及刀具的合理选择

    High-Speed Hard Cutting Technology and Reasonable Selection of Its Cutting Tools

  24. 有机酯水玻璃自硬砂技术改造实践

    The Practice of Organic Ester Sodium Silicate Self-Hardening-Sand Technical Transformation

  25. 用硬模板技术开发新型孔结构催化材料的研究

    Catalytic Materials with Novel Pore Structure through Hard Template Technique

  26. 硬通道技术脑室外引流与传统方法的比较

    Comparing technique of hard channels with traditional method using external ventricular drainage

  27. 微创硬通道技术治疗脑室出血

    The Ventricular Hemorrhage was Cleaned by Micro - Traumatic Hard Passage Drainage

  28. 固定硬通道技术治疗高血压脑出血疗效探讨

    Discussion on the Curative Effect of Fixed Rigid-channel Technology Treating Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage

  29. 综述了反辐射导弹的软杀伤技术和硬摧毁技术。

    Soft kill and hard destruction technology for antiradiation missile have been summarized .

  30. 渗碳硬齿面双圆弧齿轮超硬加工技术

    The machining technique of cementite rigidification tooth surface of double circular arc gear