
  1. 不过,每年对全球获奖电视及印刷品广告进行排名的《Gunn报告》(GunnReport)显示,全球其它地区的广告公司正在逐渐侵蚀英美同行的传统主导地位。

    But the Gunn Report , the global annual ranking of the top award-winning television and print campaigns , showed the traditional dominance of Anglo-American agencies was gradually being eroded by the rest of the world .

  2. 固定形式印刷品广告发展现状及趋势

    The Tendency and Present Situation of Development of the Fixed Form of Printed Matter Advertisement

  3. 印刷品广告/销售主任

    Print Advertising / Sales Director

  4. (三)报社:设计、作印刷品广告,利用自有《×报》发布国内外广告。

    Newspaper publishers : design and production of printed advertisements , and dissemination of domestic and foreign advertisements using self-owned [ name of newspaper ] .

  5. 作为一个营销公司,我们直接帮助过上百个客户的直邮,互联网,印刷品广告和广播广告竞争的业务。

    As a marketing firm , we 've helped literally hundreds of clients on their direct mail , Internet , print advertising and radio advertising campaigns .

  6. 固定形式印刷品广告低廉的成本及极强的针对性、亲切感和真实性,必将受到企业经营者的青睐,具有一定的市场发展空间和生存环境。

    The cheapest cost of fixed form advertising and strong specific aim , cordial sense and actuality of printed matter , so this drew entrepreneur 's attention and it is necessary to develop space and survival environment .

  7. 第一个原因是,购买一个电视广告变得廉价了,在我的经验中,它甚至不会比印刷品广告,邮件或者其他形式的创作传媒昂贵很多。

    The first reason is that producing a TV spot has become so inexpensive , in my experience , it 's no more expensive than producing a print ad , a mailer or other forms of media creative .

  8. 阿姆斯特朗表示:这个平台曾是我们为音频和无线业务建立的,但现在我们正用来测试印刷品广告,而且我们将继续关注它在电视等其它市场的应用。

    This is the platform we have been building for the audio and radio business , that we 're testing now with print , and we will continue to look at other markets , like TV , says Mr Armstrong .

  9. 相比传统广告(电视、广播、印刷品和广告牌),“点击付费”广告的好处不言自明。

    The benefits of the pay-per-click approach over traditional advertising ( television , radio , print and billboards ) are obvious .

  10. 图形的传达大量应用于绘画、印刷品、广告、动画、电影等与人们生活娱乐密切相关的艺术形式中,图形艺术的诉求就更具复杂性和多样性。

    The graph of applied to convey the paintings , prints , advertising , animation , movies and people live entertainment is closely related to the art form , the graphic arts appeal is more complexity and diversity .

  11. 格雷琴把一些印刷品和旅游广告钉在了墙上。

    Gretchen had tacked some prints and travel posters on the wall .

  12. 发展电视、印刷品和户外广告评奖活动。

    The development of award-winning television , print and billboard advertising campaigns .

  13. 谷歌还希望利用这个平台销售无线、印刷品和电视广告内容。

    It also wants to use the same platform to sell radio , print and television inventory .

  14. print:印刷品,图片ad:广告我12岁时给GAP拍过一个广告而已怎么,你是要公开征友吗?

    I did one print ad for GAP when I was 12 . What , are you holding an open call or something ? -