
  • 网络Indian mother;Mother India;Bharatmata
  1. 印度母亲相对较差的健康状况有诸多原因,其中之一就是她们在印度文化中受到歧视。

    The reasons for Indian mothers ' relatively poor health are many , including a culture that discriminates against them .

  2. 在印度,母亲节被定为纪念伟大的政治领袖穆罕默德?M?甘地的妻子的节日。

    In India , Mother 's Day was established as a memorial to the wife of the political and spiritual leader Mohandas K. Gandi .

  3. 恒河是印度的母亲河,被印度人顶礼膜拜。然而,由于工业垃圾、城市污水以及死尸的大量泛滥,恒河已经被严重污染。

    The river is scared to Hindus who worship it as " Mother Ganges , " but it has also become badly polluted with industrial waste , sewage and dead bodies .

  4. 第托出生于印度,由于母亲的锲而不舍而学会了沟通。

    Born in India , Tito learned to communicate through his mother 's unrelenting efforts .

  5. 远离聚光灯,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪的母亲赫拉本和他的总理儿子在新德里的总理府度过了一段“珍贵的时光”。

    Away from the media glare , Prime Minister Narendra Modi 's mother , Heeraben , has spent some " quality time " with her son at his official residence in New Delhi .