
  • 网络print runs
  1. 韦恩打算将印量增加到1,000册。

    Wayne plans to increase the print run to 1,000

  2. 针对广告公司、出版商和印刷客户对不同印量印品的需求,本文作者介绍了海德堡、罗兰、IBM、Indigo等几家大公司所研发的按需印刷革新技术。

    As the requirements of advertisement company , publisher and customer for different-run printed matters , the author recommends the innovation on-demand printing technology developed by Heidelberg , Man land , IBM , Indigo and so on .

  3. 长版:一份印量大的印件。

    Long run : A high printing number for a job .

  4. 八百五十万本,是史上最大的初版印量。

    At8.5 million copies , this is the largest first printing ever .

  5. 若印量过少,在高价定购重印本期间,出版商们就得放弃销售。

    Print too few and publishers will forgo sales while they order reprints ( at higher prices ) .

  6. 《屈服》的首印量高达15万册之多,在法国亚马逊网站上位居畅销榜头名。

    With an ambitious initial print run of 150,000 copies , Submission is already the No. 1 seller on Amazon in France .

  7. 但要严格控制印量,把新旧纸交替使用时间控制在一个季度之内。

    But the printing amount must be kept under strict control and limit the time for the alternate use of old and new paper within one quarter .

  8. 应用扩频原理,能大大改善水印嵌入的不可感知性。但由于采用扩频调制后,一个水印信息要用一个周期的伪随机序列调制,因此会增加嵌入的水印量。

    Equally , spreading spectrum technology can improve the performance of watermark technology greatly , but it will increase the capacity of channel and the calculation of the algorithm as cost .

  9. 浮游植物与轮虫生物量之比为1.20,二者的数量变动密切相关。同时还讨论了轮虫休眠印量、水温、饵料等对轮虫培养的影响、轮虫池的供饵能力和培育鱼苗的方式。

    The ratio of the phytoplankton biomass to the rotifer is 1.20 , the number of rotifer resting eggs , water temperature , the food of rotifers and the feed-supply capacity of rotifer breeding ponds and the breeding of fries were discussed .

  10. 从数字陷印技术的基本原理出发,分析在包装印刷中如何进行恰当的陷印处理,以实现完美的印刷效果,并对陷印量的确定提出了计算方法,给出了典型陷印值作为参考。

    The way to make appropriate trapping in packages printing was analyzed beginning from basic principle of digital trapping technology to realize the perfect printing result . The method to the determination of trapping value was put forward and typical trapping value was provided for reference .