
  • 网络Impression Material;elastomeric impression materials
  1. 结论Rapid硅橡胶印模材料在精密附着体修复中应用效果好,具有体积稳定性好、操作简便的特点。

    Conclusion The effects of using the polysiloxane impression material in the repair of the precise attachment is satisfactory .

  2. 不同印模材料之间的尺寸及弹性形变的变化不同(P0.05),硅橡胶印模变化率最低。

    Different kinds of impression material have different changes in their size and elastic deformation ( P0.05 ) . Among them , the lowest rate of changing is the silicone rubber impression material .

  3. 概括介绍了VPS印模材料的物理和化学性能及其最新研究进展。

    In this paper , the chemical and physical properties and updated development of VPS impression materials are reviewed .

  4. 测试了HX-I型耐火代型材料的凝固时间、凝固膨胀率及与3种印模材料的相容性。

    The setting time , the setting expansion ratio and the compatibility with impression materials of the HX I refractory die material were determined .

  5. 方法:在60mm×30mm×30mm体积的不锈钢模块上用藻酸盐印模材料制取阴模60个,分成2组,每组30个。

    Methods : 60 alginate impressions with the volume of 60mm × 30mm × 30mm were divided into 2 groups , 30 in each .

  6. 凝固膨胀率为0.23%;HX-I代型材料与琼脂和硅橡胶印模材料均有良好的相容性,但与藻酸盐印模材料相容性差。

    The compatibility with impression materials was excellent between HX I die material and agar or silicone rubber respectively , but the compatibility was bad between HX I die material and alginate .

  7. 用读数显微镜测量浸泡后各时段印模材料的线性长度。结果:除硅橡胶外,藻酸盐及聚醚印模材料在使用IMPRESEPT消毒溶液浸泡前的体积与浸泡后各时段都有显著的统计学差异(P<0.05)。

    Results There was no significant difference the linearity change of dimension of silastic impression materials when impressions were immersed in disinfectant ( IMPRESEPT )( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 藻酸盐印模材料流动性能的比较研究

    Comparative study on the flow property of alginate impression materials

  9. 3种印模材料制取活动义齿模型的三维精度比较

    3D Accuracy of Three Types of Impression Materials for Removable Partial Denture

  10. 自制硅橡胶印模材料的口腔黏膜刺激试验研究

    Oral mucous membrane irritation tests on new developed silicone rubber impression material

  11. 添加抗菌剂藻酸盐印模材料复制精度的研究

    Study on dimensional accuracy of dental alginate impression materials impregnated with antimicrobial agents

  12. 不同印模材料对石膏模型表面性能影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on different impression materials on the surface properties of plaster model

  13. 寒天印模材料在烤瓷冠桥修复中的临床应用

    The study on appling the hydrocolloid impression material to PFM crown and bridge

  14. 室温硫化硅橡胶口腔印模材料制备的研究

    Study on Preparing RTV Silicone Rubber Dental Impression Materials

  15. 几种消毒剂对藻酸盐印模材料的消毒效果

    Bactericidal effect of several disinfectants on alginate impression material

  16. 添加抗菌剂对口腔藻酸盐印模材料相关性能影响的研究

    Effect of Impregnating Antimicrobial Agents on the Relevant Properties of the Alginate Impression Materials

  17. 亲水性硅橡胶口腔印模材料的润湿性研究

    Wettability study of hydrophilic silicone oral impression materials

  18. 口腔弹性印模材料及临床使用注意事项

    Dental elastic impression materials and clinical manipulation properties

  19. 印模材料和托盘间固位强度分析研究

    Tensile Bond Strength between the Tray Material and Impression Material : An in Vitro Study

  20. 目的本实验旨在观察印模材料对工作模型精度的影响以及模型材料与印模材料间的配伍性。

    Objective To study the effect of impression material on the precision of working models .

  21. 硅橡胶印模材料在精密附着体修复中的护理探讨

    Nursing points about using the polysiloxane impression material in the repair of the precise attachment

  22. 结果:添加亲水基团的硅橡胶印模材料在对牙冠颈缘复制精度上和传统的疏水型硅橡胶印模材料无显著差异。

    Results Adding hydrophilic grouping Silicone impression material produced models was equal to tradition hydrophobicity impression material .

  23. 硅橡胶印模材料在桩核冠取模中的应用及护理配合

    The cooperation of nursing in polysiloxane impression material in the repair of the post and core crown

  24. 藻酸盐印模材料水粉比及印模放置时间对模型精度的影响

    The effect of water / powder ratio and pouring time on accuracy and dimensional stability of alginate impressions

  25. 消毒液和表面活性剂对改良型硅橡胶印模材料性能影响的实验研究

    The Pilot Study on the Effect of Disinfectant and Surfactant on the Properties of Modified Silicone Rubber Imperssions

  26. 方法:分别用自动混合型聚醚橡胶和藻酸钾印模材料制取修复体印模207例、230例,比较印模精确性。

    Methods 207 auto-mixed poly rubber impressions and 230 alginate impressions were fabricated for restorations to compare their accuracy .

  27. 然而,在聚醚橡胶印模材料制取印模后,会出现因印模的变形而导致修复体制作失败的情况。

    However , using polyether rubber impression material still has possibility that restorations might failed because of the deformation .

  28. 聚醚橡胶印模材料是弹性不可逆印模材料,主要由四氢呋喃和氧化乙烯共聚构成的聚醚橡胶所组成。

    Polyether rubber impression material is a irreversible elastic impression material , which is composed of tetrahydrofuran and ethylene oxide .

  29. 2%戊二醛浸泡消毒对各种印模材料精度的影响与1%84消毒液相比,无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in 2 % glutaraldehyde solution and 1 % 84 disinfector when impressions were immersed in .

  30. 结论:以1%的比例添加磷酸锆载银抗菌剂可赋予藻酸盐印模材料强抗菌性能。

    Conclusion The impregnation of Silver-zirconium phosphate antimicrobial could offer alginate impression material with strong antibacterial activities against two tested bacteria strains .