
  • 网络orthodontic materials
  1. 陶瓷正畸托槽材料的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Ceramic Material of Orthodontic Bracket

  2. 正畸托槽材料的进展

    Material of orthodontic brackets

  3. 目的采用细胞毒性试验、口腔黏膜刺激实验对一种陶瓷正畸托槽材料的生物安全性进行初步的评价。

    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of a ceramic of orthodontic bracket by cytotoxicity and oral mucous membrane irritation test .

  4. 目前,口腔正畸用磁性材料大多是稀土钕铁硼(neodymium-iron-boron,Nd2Fe14B)。

    The magnetic materials used in orthodontics at present are rare earth neodymium-iron-boron , which are easily oxidized and corroded because of containing iron and neodymium when they are used intra-orally .

  5. 正畸弓丝材料的研究进展

    The Development of the Orthodontic Arch Wire Materials

  6. 正畸弓丝材料的性能对临床矫治过程有重要影响。

    The mechanical properties of the Orthodontics arch wire have much effects on the process of orthodontic treatment .

  7. 本文综述了正畸弓丝材料的发展进程及研究现状。

    This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the research and development of the orthodontic arch wire materials .

  8. 正畸矫治弓丝材料的性能和应用

    Properties and Applications of Orthodontic Wires