
  • 网络orthogonal polynomial;GOPS
  1. 首先阐述模态参数识别中的几个重要概念;其次介绍传统的时域和频域的模态参数识别方法;最后重点介绍离散正交多项式算法理论,并用Matlab对其进行了仿真、验证其算法的正确性。

    Firstly bring forward some important concepts in the field of modal parameters identification , then the identification methods in conventional time field and frequency field , and finally the theory of discrete orthogonal polynomial whose validity is proved by Matlab emulator .

  2. 作为一种可选定次数的完备正交多项式系统,U系统所定义的矩具有标准正交性、收敛性等优良性质。

    As a kind of complete orthogonal polynomial system , U system has many good properties such as orthogonality and convergence .

  3. 有限域上的n元正交多项式组

    Orthogonal system of polynomials in n indeterminates over finite fields

  4. 正交多项式拟合在EMD算法端点问题中的应用

    Dealing with the End Issue of EMD Based on Orthogonal Polynomial Fitting Algorithm

  5. 用移位chebyshev正交多项式分析非线性时延系统

    Analysis of the nonlinear time & delay system by shifted Chebyshev polynomials

  6. 作者在研究正交多项式的最小二乘拟合算法时发现当观测数据的趋势是某一个N次多项式时会出现一种现象,即不能找到最佳的最小二乘拟合多项式。

    It is difficult to find the best least square polynomial to fitting the curve of observed data when the graph of fitted data is approximate to N-polynomial .

  7. 本文对非古典正交多项式族{Sn~α(x)},提出它的估计以及展开定理。

    In this paper , We discussed some properties of the non-classical orthogonal family { S_n ~ α( x ) } and presented the expansion theorem .

  8. 基于逼近论,将一组Chebyshev正交多项式取代BP网络中的S型函数,构成一种新的神经网络模型。

    Based on the approximation theory , this paper presents a new neural network model based on Chebyshev orthogonal multinomial .

  9. 提出一种全新结构的非线性均衡器&神经Chebyshev正交多项式自适应均衡器。

    A new structure of nonlinear equalizer-neural Chebyshev orthogonal polynomial adaptive equalizer was proposed .

  10. 基于Chebyshev正交多项式预测的模糊控制方法

    Fuzzy control based on Chebyshev orthogonal polynomial prediction

  11. 具有Laguerre正交多项式零点的Hermite插值逼近

    On Approximation by Hermite Interpolation with Zeros of Laguerre Orthogonal Polynomials

  12. 混沌通信系统中非线性信道的自适应神经Legendre正交多项式均衡

    Adaptive neural Legendre orthogonal polynomial nonlinear channel equalization for chaos-based communications systems

  13. 固支边界条件下复合材料厚层板自由振动的正交多项式Rayleigh-Ritz解

    Free vibration of thick composite laminates with clamped edges using characteristic orthogonal polynomials in Rayleigh-Ritz method

  14. 采用Hermite正交多项式拟合岭函数,大大降低计算复杂度。

    In many fitting ridge functions , selecting Hermite orthogonal polynomial to fit ridge function .

  15. 建立方位捷联平台速率陀螺的误差模型,提出了在H2范数意义下采用正交多项式逼近算法,估计方位捷联平台速率陀螺的动态误差模型。

    Error model of rate gyro used in azimuth strapdown platform is built up . Its dynamic error model is estimated by using orthogonal polynomial approximation method in H_2 norm .

  16. 该均衡器由1个非线性神经自适应滤波器和1个Chebyshev正交多项式滤波器级联而成。

    It is composed of a nonlinear neural adaptive filter and a Chebyshev orthogonal polynomial filter .

  17. Jacobi正交多项式的一些性质

    Some Properties of Jacobi Orthogonal Polynomials

  18. ABT处理棉花的聚类分析及正交多项式产量回归分析

    Cluster and Orthogonal Polynomial Regression Analysis for Cotton Yield under ABT Treatment

  19. 采用正交多项式回归设计方法,试验和研究了稀土氧化物中钙的火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)测定时的干扰效应。

    The interference effects for FAAS determining calcium in RE oxides were studied by using orthogonal polynomial regression design .

  20. B(μ)和a(μ)可表成Hermite正交多项式的基底,解决了BARNETTS的一个公开问题[2]。

    B (μ) and a (μ) can be expressed as a basis of Hermite orthogonal polynomial and the open problem by BARNETT S .

  21. 本文利用一般的离散正交多项式研究了具有2s个时延项离散系统的最优控制问题。

    In this paper , optimal control problem of time-delay digital control system has been studied using discrete orthogonal polynomials .

  22. 正交多项式及Pade逼近

    The Orthogonal Polynomials and the Pade'Approximation

  23. 本文介绍了利用移位的Legendre正交多项式估测非线性反应系统参数的方法。

    A method is presented for the estimation of parameters in non-linear reaction systems by using the shifted Legendre polynomial procedure .

  24. 根据Monte-Carlo模拟的思想,利用圆频率的非正交多项式产生圆频率的十万次样本。

    According to the idea of the Monte-Carlo simulation , using the non-orthogonal polynomials of natural frequency to produce one hundred thousand times samples of the natural frequency .

  25. 利用离散线性系统理论和模糊理论相结合的方法研究了离散T-S模糊系统的基于正交多项式的迭代学习算法。

    Similar to continuous T-S fuzzy system , we study the algorithm for discrete T-S fuzzy system by combining the theory of discrete linear systems and fuzzy methodology .

  26. 并尝试采用时延神经Chebyshev正交多项式自适应法对厌氧准好氧填埋场的COD进行预测,进而评估厌氧准好氧填埋场的稳定程度。

    And attempts to forecast the characteristic index of the COD of the anaerobic-semi-aerobic landfill by Chebyshev orthogonal self adapting method , then judges stabilization degree of this type landfill .

  27. 数值结果表明Chebyshev正交多项式逼近法对于分析谐和激励和脉冲激励共同作用下的含有界随机参数系统的分岔现象也是有效的。

    Both the numerical results of these two chapters show that the Chebyshev polynomial approximation is an effective method in the study of system with random parameter .

  28. 尝试提出一种神经Chebyshev正交多项式盲均衡器,与神经网络盲均衡器相比,该盲均衡器结构简单,且收敛速度快。

    A novel neural Chebyshev orthogonal polynomial blind equalizer is proposed , which structure is simpler and convergence speed is faster than blind equalizer using neural network .

  29. 利用Chebyshev正交多项式投影和多项式插值技巧得到了求解渗流自由边界问题的实用方法,并证明了该方法的误差估计及收敛性和稳定性。

    The calculation method for solving the free boundary problem is obtained by using Chebyshev 's polynomial interpolation , Its error estimation , convergence and stability are given .

  30. 该方法综合了Picard积分方程形式,传统的亏损校正方法,GaussLegendre正交多项式及相应的Gauss求积公式。

    This method couples the Picard integral equation formulations , the classical defect and deferred correction methods and Gauss Legendre orthogonal polynomials and the corresponding Gaussian quadrature rules .