
  • 网络Thinking
  1. 我正在想去恳求Jane来借给我一点贷款。

    Britney : I was thinking of hitting up Jane for a little loan .

  2. 你或许正在想。

    " Wait a second , " you might be thinking .

  3. 正在想办法解决废物处理的问题。

    Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal .

  4. 我们正在想法子,好坐上同一个航班。

    We 're trying to swing it so that we can travel on the same flight .

  5. 他们正在想办法撇清他同这项重大决策的关系。

    They are looking at ways to disentangle him from this major policy decision

  6. 当我正在想该怎么办时,一本英语书出现在了我的面前。

    As I was wondering what to do , an English book appeared in front of me .

  7. 7.outperformv.超额完成,过度执行,做得比…好布什:所以,我们正在想办法超过我们的对手。

    So we 're looking for ways to outperform our competitors .

  8. 安静,Matthew我正在想呢。

    Hush , Matthew . I 'm trying to think .

  9. MVC团队正在想办法提供一种方式,能实现象WebForms一样快速开发,而不会被缺乏控件的情况所拖累。

    The MVC team is looking to offer a way get the same rapid development that Web Forms offers , but without the associated lack of control .

  10. 首先,我们正在想办法提供更多设备支持,特别是WindowsPhone和IE9。

    First , we 're looking to provide additional device support and specifically we 're looking at Windows Phone and IE9 .

  11. 该研究团队正在想办法在实验室人工合成HIV表面发现的具有特殊结构的糖链。

    The team now aim to come up with ways of making synthetic versions in the lab of the particular carbohydrates found on the outside of HIV .

  12. 他和其他研究人员(比如华盛顿大学路易斯分校(WashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis)的研究人员)正在想办法在肌肉组织中开辟出能够输送肌肉所需营养物质的通道。

    He and other researchers , such as those at Washington University in St. Louis , are trying to create channels in muscle tissue that can deliver the nutrients the muscle needs .

  13. 福特举例解释说,美国和北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)目前正在想办法解决索马里海盗在非洲之角(HornofAfrica)袭击过往船只的问题。

    For example , Ford explained , the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are currently addressing the threat from Somali pirates attacking ships in the horn of Africa .

  14. 拉加德正在想的是,如果她能成功地担任国际货币基金组织(imf)的下一任总裁,应不应该把这幅画挂在新办公室的墙上。

    MS Lagarde is wondering whether the picture should have a place on her new wall , if she succeeds in becoming the next managing director of the International Monetary Fund .

  15. 亚马逊(Amazon)与Twitter开展了合作,允许用户以Twitter消息的形式将喜欢的商品发送到购物篮中。这些高科技企业正在想办法把社交媒体和电子商务融为一体。

    Amazon has joined forces with Twitter to let consumers tweet products they like into their shopping baskets , as technology companies search for ways to fuse social media and ecommerce .

  16. 我正在想这些事情时,发现另一个我过去认为婚姻幸福的人在Tinder上给我的一个朋友发了条消息。

    Those are the things I think about when yet another person I used to think of as being part of a happily married couple messages a friend of mine on Tinder .

  17. 您可能正在想可以对它做些什么。

    You may be wondering what you can do with it .

  18. 我正在想什么时候才能接到你的电话。

    I was wondering when I was gonna hear from you .

  19. 工会正在想办法清算他的工资。

    The union is working on getting some kind of settlement .

  20. 我正在想我们要做什么。

    I am going to think just what we should do .

  21. 他们正在想如何把节目串连起来。

    They are thinking about how to link the program together .

  22. “当你知道我正在想的时候,我憎恨它”。

    I hate it when you know what I 'm thinking .

  23. 我正在想我们可以去欣赏音乐会。

    I was thinking that we could take in a concert .

  24. 我正在想办法对部里的人施加点影响。

    I am trying to work up influence with the department .

  25. 我正在想他这次能不能搞定。

    I wonder if he 's getting it right this time .

  26. 我来说说你们正在想的东西。

    I 'm going to tell you what you 're thinking .

  27. 我正在想你能忍多久呢。

    I was wondering how long you 'd be able to resist .

  28. 我正在想你什么时候会猜出来。

    I was wondering when you 'd figure it out .

  29. 真是好玩,我也正在想同样的事。

    That 's funy , I was just thinking the same thing .

  30. 车子还是发不动赖瑞正在想办法。

    The van still won 't start . larry 's working on Lt.