
  1. 奥尼尔与曹禺剧作有许多相似之处。

    There are many similarities between O'neill 's play and Caoyu 's.

  2. 曹禺剧作诗化特征的流变

    The transformation of poetic feature in Cao yu 's dramas

  3. 论曹禺剧作中的父子关系

    On the relationship between father and son in Cao Yu 's plays

  4. 困境与开拓&曹禺剧作《原野》的思想蕴涵和艺术追求

    PREDICAMENT AND DEVELOPMENT & Ideological Implication and Artistic Pursuit in Cao Yu 's Open Country

  5. 《雷雨》与祈雨仪式&曹禺剧作《雷雨》的文化学阐释

    Thunderstorm and the Ceremony of Rain Praying & A Cultural Interpretation of Cao Yu 's Thunderstorm

  6. 论曹禺剧作《原野》中的象征主义

    The Symbolism and The Champaign

  7. 女性言说与男性叙述的冲撞&对曹禺剧作的女性主义解读

    The Conflict Between Female Speech and Male Narration & A Feminist Reading of CAO Yu 's Dramas

  8. 以诗性的神秘主义情怀提高戏剧美感&曹禺剧作的诗性研究

    Improving Aesthetic Perception of Drama by Poetic Mysticism Feelings & Poetic Study of Cao Yu 's Drama

  9. 试论曹禺剧作的超历史性&兼论中国现代戏剧史两个阶段之形成原因戏剧史上昭君形象的演变及启示

    On the Super Historic Significance in Cao Yu 's Drama The development of Zhaojun 's image in the history of play and its enlightenment

  10. 曹禺剧作中的男性形象大体可以分为两类,一类是懦弱型的儿子,一类则是权威型的父亲。

    Generally , the male characters in Cao Yu 's plays can be divided into two types : the coward-type son and the authority-type father .

  11. 在众多被翻译介绍到越南的中国现当代文学作品中,又以曹禺剧作产生的影响最为强烈。

    Among the large number of Chinese modern and contemporary literary works translated in Vietnamese , the most influential ones were the plays of Cao Yu .

  12. 我们必须以审慎的态度作出客观的解析,才能够真正透视曹禺剧作中的宗教文化情结的历史地位、价值与作用。

    We must be cautious to make an objective analysis will be the real perspective of the religious culture of Cao Yu 's historical status of complex , value and function .

  13. 从曹禺剧作的内在因素&个人话语与时代话语的消长进行探索,应可提供一种合理的解答。

    This paper explores the internal factors of Cao Yu 's dramas , namely the growth and decline of personal speech and the speech of the times , and tries to find out the answers .

  14. 论曹禺早期剧作的现代意识

    On Modern Consciousness of Cao Yu 's Early Dramas

  15. 基督精神对曹禺早期剧作的影响

    Christian Impact on Cao Yu 's Early Works

  16. 因而,本文拟从性别视角对曹禺的剧作进行文本重读与价值重估。

    This article will be review and reappraise CaoYu 's drama from the gender angle .

  17. 曹禺早期剧作现实主义的独特性写实:中国戏剧现代化的双刃剑

    Realism in Cao Yu 's Early Drama Realism : the Dual Nature for Chinese Modern Drama

  18. 寻找诺亚方舟&从“出走”看曹禺早期剧作的哲学意蕴

    Seeking " The Noah Ark " & eloping 's philosophical signification in Cao Yu 's early scripts

  19. 这个四个方面同时也是构成曹禺早期剧作命运观念的四个基本组成部分和特色。

    At the same time , this four aspects are also four characteristics and composing parts of the fate idea in Caoyu 's early drama .

  20. 基督教中的伦理道德意识,不仅是曹禺早期剧作的主要思想来源,而且也是剧作中各类悲剧人物的灵魂和艺术创作方法的依据。

    The moral principles of Christianity are not only the ideological origin of Cao Yu 's early works , but also the basis for art creation of the soul of various tragic characters .

  21. 曹禺在剧作中以变形的方式来思考宇宙间的神秘力量和人生困境,力求探寻、确认悲剧人生的意义。

    Cao Yu deeply thought " the mysterious force " of cosmos and life predicament in a deformed way and attempted to seek and confirm the significance of tragic life in his drama works .

  22. 强烈的现代悲剧意识,对于象征主义、表现主义等现代派艺术创作方法的广泛借鉴与运用,使得曹禺早期剧作具有鲜明的现代意识。

    Cao Yu 's early dramas had strong modern tragedy consciousness and used artistic means of modernist school , such as symbolism and expressionism for reference widely . This made Cao Yu 's early dramas distinct modern consciousness .

  23. 曹禺的剧作从整体上来说,应属于现实主义范畴,但他的重要作品无不运用了象征和隐喻手法,这使得他对沉重的生命现实的透视染上了奇瑰的轻盈色彩。

    Though Cao Yu 's dramas are realistic on the whole , all his masterpieces employ symbolism and metaphor without exception , which adds a magnificent , cheerful and graceful color to his penetration into the gloomy reality in life .

  24. 本论文主要是从认知语言学的角度出发,对曹禺的经典剧作《雷雨》中的间接言语行为转喻的生成机制的探讨。

    The objective of this dissertation is to make a tentative explanation of the producing mechanism of Indirect Speech Act Metonymy in the play Thunderstorm ( a classic of a famous Chinese playwright Cao Yu ) from the perspective of cognitive linguistics .

  25. 中国传统文化对曹禺早期命运观念的影响虽然不象西方文化的影响那么明显,但却是曹禺早期剧作对外来文化的消化吸收机制,作用十分重要。

    The influence of Chinese traditional culture is less obvious than that of western culture , but it is important for absorbing the western culture .