
  1. 正是籍于此选择了这一命题。

    Considering this reason , the author select this topic .

  2. 而正是占籍制度的这一功效,使得占籍制度在明代发生了嬗变,占籍制度成为了一种专用于控制流移人口、实现身份认同的制度。

    And , it is the special virtue of the nationality occupying system that made it revolute in Ming Dynasty , and become a kind of way to control the floating population and realize identity .

  3. 大家最为期盼的一场比赛以平局结束,扳平比分的正是这位意大利籍,在阿根廷出生的球员,助攻来自亚昆塔。

    The most eagerly awaited match of the year ended in a draw and the equalizer was by the Italian-Argentinean player , from a Iaquinta pass .