
  1. 巴克莱并不认同这种看法。该行称,我们相信估值偏低的说法会越来越没有意义。

    ' We believe the valuation argument is becoming less and less helpful , ' the firm said .

  2. 该行称,如果支付宝予以适当配合,就不会对客户产生影响。

    ' If Alipay coordinates properly , there will be no impact on customers , 'the bank said .

  3. 该行称,我们相信估值偏低的说法会越来越没有意义。

    We believe the valuation argument is becoming less and less helpful , ' the firm said . '

  4. 该行称,增长主要来自投行业务、托管业务、票据发行和黄金租赁业务。

    Investment banking , custodial services , bill issuance and gold leasing were the main growth drivers , the bank said .

  5. 拍卖行称这次拍卖会还将拍卖两颗超过100克拉的钻石,吸引了30多个国家的买家。

    The auction house said today that the auction , featuring two diamonds over 100 carats , drew buyers from more than 30 countries .

  6. 该拍卖行称其在2000年曾上拍一颗12.49克拉的紫粉钻原石,但没能成交。

    In 2000 , it put a purple-pink rough 12.49-carat diamond up for auction , but it failed to sell , according to Sotheby 's.

  7. 该行称,资金继续从新兴市场流出,中国疲软的经济增长、美元走强以及企业盈利前景欠佳令基金经理对新兴市场敬而远之。

    Money continued to move out of emerging markets with fund managers deterred by weak economic growth in China , the strength of the dollar and weak earning prospects , said BofA .

  8. 该行称,退出香港市场是因为市场竞争加剧及成本上升,尽管以中国为首的亚洲地区可能会在未来几十年引领全球财富增长。

    The bank blamed the decision on growing competition and rising costs , even as the Asia region , led by China , is projected to power global wealth over coming decades .

  9. 该行称此次下调预期“意味深长,但并非是灾难性的”,这表明西方国家对亚洲制造业产品需求下降,不太可能对市场产生重大影响。

    The bank described the cut as " meaningful but not disastrous " , indicating that a fall in western demand for Asian manufactured goods was unlikely to have big consequences for markets .

  10. 历史档案拍卖行称,之前的戏服拍卖纪录由奥黛莉赫本保持,她在1961年出演电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》时所穿的一件经典小黑裙曾以92万3187美元成交。

    Auctioneer Profiles in History said the previous costume sales record was held by Audrey Hepburn 's iconic little black dress from the 1961 film " Breakfast at Tiffany 's ," which sold for $ 923,187 .

  11. 该行称,其中大部分是短期国债因为野村是一级交易商83%将在明年3月前到期。

    Most of this was in the form of short-term government bonds , because of its status as a primary dealer , and 83 per cent of its holdings matures by March next year , the bank said .

  12. 当前电网中引入了许多基于AIS和GIS技术组合的新型高压开关装置,行内称之为HGIS。

    A lot of new HV switchgears based on AIS & GIS that is named as HGIS have been introduced in current power grid .

  13. 由密钥和相关数据组成的每一行被称为一个条目。

    Each row composed of the key and related values is called an entry .

  14. 不过,该行警告称,亚洲复苏也存在风险,包括过度监管金融业。

    However , the bank warned there were risks to recovery , including over-enthusiastic regulation of the financial sector .

  15. 纽约商交所原油期货价格曲线目前向上显著倾斜,行内称为“升水”。

    The forward curve for Nymex crude prices currently slopes upward-known as a'contango ' - and is extraordinarily steep .

  16. 麦格理银行没有理会外界针对其某些业务操作及最近两宗高调收购案失利的批评。该行补充称,本财年已开了个好头。

    Brushing aside criticism of some of its business practices and of the failure of two recent high-profile buy-outs , the bank added that the present financial year had had a strong start .

  17. 一颗重达75.36克拉的巨钻找到了新主人,并得到了新名字。据佳士得拍卖行所称,这颗钻石是有史以来上拍的最大、最完美的水滴形钻石。

    The new owner of what Christie 's auction house called the largest and most perfect briolette diamond ever sold at auction has identified herself and picked a name for the 75.36-carat gem .

  18. 这是印度央行两周之内的第二次采取紧急加息行动。该行警告称,为防止通胀成为经济中的顽疾,如有必要,其将再度采取行动。

    The move was the second unscheduled rate rise in just two weeks and the bank warned that it would act again if necessary to prevent inflation becoming entrenched in India 's economy .

  19. 连我们也信了基督,使我们因信基督称义,不因行律法称义,因为凡有血气的,没有一人因行律法称义。

    We have come to believe in Jesus Christ so that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by doing the works of the law because no one will be justified by the works of the law .

  20. 我们都是小怪咖,生活也是这样。当发现一个人的怪能和自己对得上,就和他/她站一行,称其为爱。

    We 're all a little weird and life 's a little weird , and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours , we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love .

  21. 世界银行称,中国食品价格上涨的最糟糕阶段已经过去,整体通胀将会回落。但该行又称,中国经济正面临工业商品成本持续上升带来的第二波通胀压力。

    The World Bank said that the worst of the food price hikes in China was over and that headline inflation would recede , but it added that the economy was facing a second wave of inflationary pressures from rising costs of industrial commodities .

  22. 亚行在9月还预计亚洲明年增长率将达到7.2%。该行警告称,亚洲地区的国家将必须更果断和更迅速地动用财政政策,以应对较预期严重得多的经济放缓。

    The Asian lender , which had forecast 7.2 per cent growth as recently as September , also warned that countries in the region would have to use fiscal policies more decisively and promptly in response to an economic slowdown that was much worse than predicted .

  23. 但该行强调称,不会全面停止放贷,将继续为在建项目、小企业、消费者信贷及重点产业和重点区域即享受中央政府明确政策支持的部门和地区提供资金。

    But the bank stressed it did not intend to stop all lending and would continue to fund projects already under construction as well as small businesses , consumer credit and key industries and areas a reference to sectors and regions that enjoy explicit policy support from the central government .

  24. 相反,sed逐行将/etc/services的每一行读入其称为模式缓冲区的内部缓冲区。

    Instead , sed read each line of / etc / services one by one into its internal buffer , called the pattern buffer .

  25. 巴克莱(Barclays)为其在股东反对之下向员工支付更高奖金的决定做出强烈辩护,即便该行同时警告称,下一季度投行部门业绩可能依然惨淡,将冲击集团整体利润。

    Barclays has launched a staunch defence of its decision to pay higher bonuses in the face of a shareholder revolt , even as it warned that another poor quarter at its investment bank would hit group profits .

  26. 但据当地媒体报道,该拍卖行周二报警称这幅画作丢失。

    But the auction house reported the painting missing to police on Tuesday , according to local media reports .

  27. 该行上周五称,第三季度会因房地产和其它证券的冲减计入5亿欧元亏损。

    On Friday , it said it would have a500 million euros loss in the third quarter as a result of write-downs on real estate and other securities .

  28. 原来在上帝面前,不是听律法的为义,乃是行律法的称义。

    For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in god 's sight , but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous .

  29. 据该行客服部门称,该行设定了储户向阿里巴巴“余额宝”进行快捷支付的额度,单笔最高为人民币5000元(约为800美元),每月不超过5万元。

    It issued a cap of 5000 yuan , or about $ 800 , per transaction -- and a total of 50000 yuan a month -- for deposits to Alibaba 's Yu'E Bao fund , meaning ' Leftover Treasure , ' according to the bank 's customer-service department .

  30. 五行学说被学者称之为“中国人的思想律”。

    Five elements theory is called Chinese Ideology Law by scholars .