
  1. 我查看了他们关于业务行为哲学的描述和信息。

    I looked at their mission statements and information about their philosophies of how they conduct business .

  2. 隐逸是中国士人心理&行为哲学的命题之一,也是士人内在价值取向与处世态度的外在表征。

    Reclusion , as one of the propositions in traditional Chinese literati 's psychology-behavior philosophy , was the external manifestation of their internal value orientation and way they behaved in society .

  3. 第五部分首先简单介绍网络虚拟社区中的行为哲学,然后着重介绍怎样借助网络虚拟社区开展网上营销。

    The fifth section first simply introduce the behavior philosophy in the network fictitious community , then emphasizing on how to develop the network marketing with the aid of network fictitious community .

  4. 论述巴赫金为解决现代危机而建构行为哲学时的价值取向(对抗虚无),探索领域(美学),内在矛盾。

    Expound the value orientation of Bakhtin while he is in order to solve the modern crisis and build behavior philosophy the value orientation ( oppose nihility ), explore the field ( aesthetics ), an inherent contradiction .

  5. 对社会创新行为的哲学审视

    Philosophic review on the innovative behaviors of the society

  6. 网络行为的哲学意义

    The Philosophic Sense of Net - Behavior

  7. 建筑理性的重建&当代中国建筑行为的哲学反思

    Rebuilding of the Reason of Architecture & An Philosophic Introspection of Modern Architecture Behaviors in China

  8. 本文基于对人类信息行为的哲学分析和经验观察,阐释了网络时代的信息管制策略的思想依据和复杂后果。

    Based on the philosophical analysis and observation on the humankind information behavior , this article expounds the thought roots and complex results of information control strategy in the age of network .

  9. 斯金纳行为主义科学哲学中的操作主义观点

    Operationism in Skinner 's Philosophy of Behavioral Science

  10. 交往行为理论在哲学上实现三个转换:从意识哲学到语言哲学的转换;

    The theory of communicative action realized three conversions in philosophy , which are from consciousness philosophy to language philosophy ;

  11. 论刑惩妨害传染病防治行为的法哲学依据

    On the Law Philosophy Basis of the Criminal Responsibility in Punishing Acts Of Impairing Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases

  12. 奥斯汀言语行为论的当代哲学意义

    The Contemporary Philosophical Meaning of Austin 's Speech Acts Theory

  13. 奥斯汀提出的言语行为理论在语言哲学的发展中具有重要的意义。

    The theory of speech acts had the important meaning in the development of the language philosophy .

  14. 它通过将日常生活行为与宗教、哲学、伦理道德和艺术、美学熔于一炉,成为一种综合性的文化体系。

    By combining a daily activity with religion , philosophy , ethics and aesthetic , it has been developed as a comprehensive culture system .

  15. 本文主要分析了罗杰斯心理学、行为科学思想的哲学理论渊源,又在此基础上重点讨论了罗杰斯的科学观。

    This thesis gives an analysis on the philosophic theory sources of Rogers 's psychology and behavior scientific thinking and then focuses on Rogers 's scientism .

  16. 随着二十世纪西方哲学的“语言学转向”,言语行为逐步成为语言哲学、语言逻辑以及语用学共同关注的重要问题。

    With the linguistic turn of western philosophy in the21 st century , speech act has become the focus of philosophy , logic of language and pragmatics .

  17. 人的形象·行为技术·人类社会&对斯金纳行为技术学的哲学分析

    Image of man · Technology of behavior · Human society & Philosophical analysis about skinner 's theory of behavioral technology