
  • 网络anomie
  1. 网络行为失范者的内隐攻击性、内隐自尊研究

    A Study on Implicit Aggressiveness and Implicit Self-Esteem of Cyber Behavior Anomie

  2. 贞操与生存:民国时期天津贫民性行为失范现象探析

    Probe into Sexual Anomie of Paupers in Tianjin in the Republic of China

  3. 第二章以C市为例,分析了地方政府在征地过程中行为失范的主要表现。

    The second chapter C City , for example , analysis of the local government misconduct in the course of land acquisition the main performance .

  4. 医生医疗行为失范的成因与对策

    Reasons and Solutions for Paradigm Lost of the Doctor 's Behavior

  5. 对网络主体道德行为失范的成因分析

    Analyzing the Causes of Netizens ' Deviated Behavior and Ethics

  6. 大学生行为失范现象及矫正措施

    The phenomenon of college students ' behavior without models and its remedies

  7. 地方政府经济行为失范的制度分析

    The System Analysis of the Losing Criterion of Local Government

  8. 中小学体育教师行为失范量表的初步编制

    Acts of Physical Education Teachers in Primary and Secondary Loss of Scale

  9. 我国中小学教师教学行为失范问题研究

    Study on Teaching Deviated Behavior of Primary and Middle School Teachers in China

  10. 但是在现实生活中,公务员行为失范的现象举不胜举。

    But in real life , the phenomenon of civil servants misconduct abound .

  11. 公务员道德行为失范是公务员道德心理失衡的直接表现。

    Civil service ethics ethical misconduct is a direct manifestation of psychological imbalance .

  12. 价值冲突是导致行为失范进而引发犯罪的直接原因。

    Value conflict is the direct reason , which leads to the crime .

  13. 边际性与准大学毕业生的行为失范

    Marginal Character and the Behavior Anomie of Senior Undergraduates

  14. 高校图书馆学生行为失范探析

    On the Improper Behaviors of College Students in Libraries

  15. 会计行为失范的原因及对策

    Reasons of Violating Rules in Accounting Behaviors and Countermeasures

  16. 转型期我国大学生行为失范研究评析

    On College Students ' Anomic Behaviors in Contemporary China

  17. 政府行为失范的原因分析

    On the Root cause of Irregular Governmental Behavior

  18. 论青少年网络道德行为失范的成因与对策

    On the Causes and Countermeasures of Network Deviated Behavior and Ethics of the Youth

  19. 但是,也有部分学生的公德表现不能令人满意,存在着种种行为失范的表现。

    However , there are some students who satisfactorily and act contrary to the norms .

  20. 第八,相关法律法规的缺席是体育教师行为失范的制度根源。

    Eighthly , lack of relevant laws and regulations is the institutional origin of PE teachers'misconduct .

  21. 城市房屋拆迁过程中的政府行政行为失范问题研究

    Research on the Anomie of the Government Administrative Act in the Process of Urban Housing Demolition

  22. 激励与约束机制不完善致使国有企业经理人职业行为失范;

    Because encourage and tied mechanism is not improving manager 's job behavior of state-owned enterprise lost ;

  23. 第一,体育教师自身综合素质偏低是体育教师行为失范的根源。

    Firstly , PE teachers have poor comprehensive quality , which is fundamental explanation for their misconduct .

  24. 以80后大学生为切入点分析当今大学生行为失范现象

    Taking Post-80 's College Students as the Breakthrough Point to Analyzing the Substandard Behavior in College Students

  25. 第四,学校体育教育的功利化氛围是体育教师行为失范的温室。

    Fourthly , the utilitarian environment of school physical education is the greenhouse of misconduct of PE teachers .

  26. 在新形势下,由于地方政府行为失范牵扯到的面更广,需要考虑的因素更多,面对的实际形势更复杂,必然要求将多个纬度综合起来进行深入研究。

    Under the new situation , regulation local government behaviors need considered more factors , more complicated situation .

  27. 第四,不同类型小学体育教师行为失范总体差异不显著。

    Fourthly , the general difference between PE teachers of different types in primary schools is not obvious .

  28. 第六,职前教育的局限与职后教育的乏力是体育教师行为失范的“病根”。

    Sixthly , limitation of pre-service education and lack of post-service education is the source of misconduct of PE teachers .

  29. 第七,社会转型期市场经济的负面冲击是体育教师行为失范的社会条件。

    Seventhly , negative impact of market economy during the period of social transition is the social condition of PE teachers'misconduct .

  30. 最后是陈旧体制的原因。论地方政府经济行为失范的体制性原因

    The last reason - the problem of regime . On the Systematic Causes of the Improper Economic Conduct of Local Government