
  • 网络telephone education
  1. 上海博物馆采用了先进的消防安保,电话教育,文物图书资料电脑管理和楼宇自动化管理等系统。

    The mesum is stored with advanced security and fire alarm systems , multi-media educational facilities , a competerized resources library and a building management automations system .

  2. 多媒体与网络技术结合的产品,如视频会议、视频点播、IP电话和远程教育等,已经从实验室逐步应用到商业领域。

    Multimedia and network technology , such as video conference , video order programme , IP telephone and remote education , have been applied from laboratory to commercial field .

  3. 近些年来,多媒体通讯系统成为一种高效、快捷、方便的通讯方式,广泛运用在视频会议、视频监控、可视电话、远程教育、远程医疗等方面。

    In recent years , the multimedia communication system become an efficient , fast , convenient means of communication , widely used in video conference , video surveillance , videophone , distance education , telemedicine and so on .

  4. 随着互联网与多媒体压缩等技术的快速发展,互联网流媒体应运而生,视频会议、视频点播、电话和远程教育等,己经从实验室逐步应用到商业领域。

    With the rapid development of the Internet and multimedia compression technologies , it is possible to provide streaming media applications over the Internet . Video conference , VOD , IP telephone and remote education has been applied from laboratory to commercial field .

  5. 电话回访式健康教育在出院早产儿中的应用

    Application of Health Education by Follow-up Phone Calling in Premature Infants

  6. 电话回访式健康教育对原发性高血压病人的作用

    The Effects of Health Education of Telephone Return Visit on Hypertension Patients

  7. 半年后来院复查或电话随访评价健康教育效果。

    The effect of the health education was evaluated through reexamination or telephone follow-up half a year later .

  8. 目的论述电话访问在健康教育快速评估项目中的应用特点。

    Objective To discuss the application characteristics of phone interview on the rapid assessment procedures in community health education .

  9. 估计在这个知识堂里是没有人知道的!你还是打电话到上海的教育部门咨询吧!祝你成功!

    Estimation is knowing without the person in this knowledge hall ! You still call to seek advice to the door of Ministry of education of shanghai ! Wish you are successful !