
diàn lù fēn xī
  • circuit analysis
  1. 计算机辅助电路分析的C程序设计

    C Programme Design of Computer Aided Circuit Analysis

  2. TEACO2激光器电源及电路分析

    A power supply for the TEA CO_2 laser and its circuit analysis

  3. 本文给出一个新的适于电路分析的激光二极管(LD)动态调制分析模型。

    A new modulation dynamic model of LD is presented .

  4. 电路分析基础CAI系统

    Circuit analysis basic CAI system

  5. DF(4B)型机车的起动电路分析及改进建议

    Analysis and improving suggestion of DF_ ( 4B ) locomotive starting circuit

  6. MOS集成电路分析程序

    MOS Integrated Circuit Analysis Program

  7. 笔者用MATLAB语言编写的一种符号电路分析程序,该程序具有极其简单的文本输入格式,能有效地进行电阻电路分析、正弦稳态分析和复频域电路分析。

    A symbolic analysis program is developed using MATLAB . This program has free format input . It can analyze resistive circuits , sinusoidal stead-state and s-domain circuits .

  8. 基于临界电流模式的APFC电路分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of APFC Circuit Operated in Critical Current Mode

  9. 本文建立了能直接用于SPICE电路分析程序中的PET-GP模型。

    PET-GP model has been set up which can be used directly for the analytical program in SPICE circuit .

  10. GTO器件Δ型吸收电路分析

    Analysis on Δ type snubber circuit of GTO device

  11. 根据射随器实际上是共集电极放大器这一特性,采用共集电极放大器的低频小信号h参数等效电路分析了射随器的输出电阻。

    For the property that the emitter follower is really a common-collector amplifier , we analyzed the output resistance of emitter follower using the h parameter equivalent circuit of common-collector amplifier .

  12. 适于器件及电路分析的全耗尽短沟道LDD/LDSSOIMOSFET器件模型

    A Fully Depleted Short-Channel SOI LDD / LDS MOSFET Model for VLSI Circuits Analysis

  13. 本文从典型的RLC电路分析出发,提出充磁回路的合理匹配技术。

    Based on the analysis of the typical RLC circuit , the advisable match technique of the magnetizing circuit is advanced .

  14. TJD电路分析通用程序

    TJD Program for Electronic Circuits Analysis

  15. 本文用电化学等效电路分析了IR降的产生及其影响,阐述了消除IR降的瞬时断电法和探头法的原理与局限,推荐用阴极保护多功能测量探头消除管&地电位测量中的IR降。

    An equivalent circuit is taken in the paper to analyze the production of IR drop and the effect , to eliminate IR drop the principle of the transient power loss method and probe method and application limits are presented , the multifunction probe for cathodic protection is recommended .

  16. 最坏情况电路分析(WCCA)

    Worst Condition Circult Analysis ( WCCA )

  17. 美国UNITECH-4000多参数监护仪电源电路分析及操作维护经验

    The power circuit analysis and the experiences of operation and maintenance of UNITECH-4000 multi-parameter monitor

  18. 以计算机为工作平台,将电子设计自动化(EDA)仿真技术与电路分析结合起来,通过仿真完成对电路特性的解释,实现辅助设计各种功能电路的目的。

    Using computer as the workbench , the paper combines electronic design automation ( EDA ) emulation technology with the circuit analysis to finish the explanation of the circuit characteristics by the emulation , which realizes the purpose of computer-assisted design for all kinds of function circuit .

  19. 本文阐述了用SCR-D调节系统代替F-D调节系统的交流自动埋弧焊机的工作原理和电路分析,同时也对该焊机自动引弧提出见解。

    The article analyzes the operating principles and the circuit of regulating system SCR-D for AC automatic submerged-arc welding machine , which takes place of regulating system F-D , at the same time gives its viewpoint of automatic striking the arc .

  20. TJD电路分析通用程序可以对线性电路作直流分析、交流分析、幅频相频特性分析、瞬态分析以及交直流灵敏度分析。

    TJD program is a general-purpose program for linear circuits . It can be used for direct circuit analysis , alternating circuit analysis , frequency character analysis , transient analysis and direct and alternating circuit sensitivity analysis .

  21. 电路分析基础课程建设和改革的探索

    A Research on the Construction and Reform of Circuit Analysis Fundamental

  22. 磁旋转编码器四倍频电路分析与集成化设计

    Quadruplicated Frequency Circuit Analysis of Magnetic Rotary Encoder and IC Design

  23. 矿热炉电路分析计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Electric circuit for Ore - Smelting Furnace

  24. 旋转光楔多重全息术照相机测光电路分析

    Rotating prism multiplex holography Analysis on Measuring Light Circuits for Cameras

  25. 一种新颖缓冲电路分析及参数计算

    Analysis and Parameter Calculation of a Kind of New Buffer Circuit

  26. 带显示的电子温控装置的抗干扰电路分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Antidisturbance Circuits for Electronic Temperature Controllers with Display

  27. 电容放电螺柱焊机的原理及电路分析

    The principle and circuit analysis of capacitor discharge stud welders

  28. 一种高效大功率发射机单边带均衡器电路分析

    Circuit Analysis of SSB Equalizer in High Power SW Transmitter

  29. RG-2B血流图仪电路分析及常见故障的排除

    Analysis of the circuit of RG - 2B blood-flow-graph and its maintenance

  30. 三相异步电动机自耦变压器降压起动控制电路分析

    Voltage-Drop Starting Control Circuit Analysis of Three-Phase Asynchronous Motor Autotransformer