
  • 网络Mahone;mahon
  1. 马宏认为他们应该在赛尔夫之前先找到格雷琴。

    Mahone thinks they should get to Gretchen before Self does .

  2. 赛尔夫叫出了马宏,盘问他如何才能抓住“公司”的要害。

    Self pulls Mahone aside and grills him on how he can get to the Company .

  3. 马宏与克里斯蒂娜会面。

    Mahone meets with Christina .

  4. 煤矿公司立约转让煤矿表面的土地给马宏的前辈。

    Facts : The coal company deeded the surface land above a mine to Mahon 's predecessors in title .

  5. 马宏再次请求她打电话找人保护帕姆,但她说必须首先要确保“锡拉”能正常运行,并将马宏锁在小房里,和林肯一起。

    Mahone again asks her to make the call to protect Pam , but she says she needs to make sure it works first and locks him in the side room with Linc .