
mǎ duì
  • cavalry;caravan;a train of horses carrying goods
马队 [mǎ duì]
  • (1) [a train of horses carrying goods]∶成队的马,多用于运输货物

  • (2) [caravan]∶商队;一队驮畜

  • (3) [cavalry]∶骑兵的队伍

马队[mǎ duì]
  1. 据英国场地障碍赛马队教练说,“整个赛场太大,对技术的要求也高,比赛起来很困难。”

    According to the British show jumping team manager , ' It 's a pig of a course — much too big and also very technical . '

  2. 1984年,我以每年170万美元的薪水加盟了丹佛野马队。当然,我给我母亲买了梦想中的房子!

    In 1984 , I began to play the Denver Bronces for $ 1.7 million a year , And Certainly , I bought my mother the house of my dream !

  3. 马队在静默中靠拢在一起。

    The cavalcade drew together in silence .

  4. 爱国者队进攻核心汤姆·布拉迪在丹佛的SportsAuthorityField体育场很难得分,而野马队的四分卫佩顿·曼宁则取得了两位数的得分。

    Tom Brady in the Patriots ' offense struggled at Denver 's Sports Authority Field and Peyton Manning at Broncos won by double-digit .

  5. 在上赛季的西甲联赛中,梅西射入了31枚进球,在射手榜上不敌皇马队超级球星C罗的40枚进球,但2011无疑是梅西的顶峰年。

    Messi was outscored by Ronaldo in the Spanish league last season - 40 to 31 - but elevated his game in the biggest matches .

  6. 该报道涉及的最大牌的球星是丹佛野马队(DenverBroncos)的四分卫佩顿·曼宁(PeytonManning)。他愤怒地否认了报道内容,称之为“一派胡言”、“全盘捏造”。

    The most prominent athlete mentioned in the report was the Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning , who angrily denied the report , calling it " complete garbage " and " totally made up . "

  7. 晚清清军马队营制的演变

    The Development of Cavalry Battalion System in the Late Qing Period

  8. 看着远去的马队,他显得更加镇定自若。

    He had watched the passing of the horses with more sangfroid .

  9. 小马队由新秀四分卫安德鲁·拉克领衔。

    The Colts are led by rookie quarterback Andrew Luck .

  10. 马队,犬群,身着猎服的猎手们。

    The horses , the dogs , the hunters in their coats .

  11. 王宫广场上有马队。

    There was cavalry on the Place du Palais-Royal .

  12. 第二次是由传统马队向近代化的骑兵方向过渡。

    The second was the transformation of the traditional cavalry into the modern cavalry .

  13. 只有瑞士的驯马队因为顾虑到天气情况退出比赛。

    Only the Swiss dressage team pulled out because of concerns about the weather conditions .

  14. 星期日新英格兰爱国者队再次获胜,接下来将迎战印第安纳波利斯小马队。

    The New England Patriots held on to win Sunday and will face Indianapolis Colts next .

  15. 马队是轻步兵的克星,碰到马队,轻步兵就只能飞驰回自己的主阵线追求保护。

    Against cavalry , however , their best defence is to withdraw to their own battle line .

  16. 星期二,克林顿总统在白宫为全美橄榄球联赛超级碗冠军丹佛野马队举行招待会。

    President Clinton holds a reception for NFL Superbowl winners Denver Broncos at the White House on tuesday .

  17. 如今,他正两眼直勾勾地盯着马队,满眼的无助与幻灭。

    Now he watched the horses with a glazed look of helplessness in his eyes , a certain stupor of downfall .

  18. 美联社将丹佛野马队四分卫佩顿·曼宁评为本年度最有价值进攻球员。

    The Associate Press has named Denver Broncos 's quarterback Peyton Manning most valuable player in offensive player of the year .

  19. 红皮队的球迷在周末举行集会欢呼支持保留队名,但是周日球队就在比赛中输给了丹佛野马队。

    Redskins 's fans chanted and favor of keeping at the weekend rally before Sunday 's lost to the Denver Broncos .

  20. 第一场比赛目前进行到第三节,巴尔的摩乌鸦队以10比6领先印第安纳波利斯小马队。

    In the first game , the Baltimore Ravens are leading the Indianapolis Colts 10 to 6 in the third quarter .

  21. 1984年,我与丹佛野马队签订了170万美元的合约,终于圆了为我妈妈买一套房子的梦想。

    I signed with the Denver Broncos in1984 for $ 1.7 million , and bought my mother the house of my dreams .

  22. 这名23岁的巴西人准备今夏登陆欧洲赛场,达伽马队为其标价600万英镑。

    The 23 year-old Brazilian is ready to move to Europe this summer and is valued in the 6 million class by Vasco .

  23. 一支意大利马队准备沿着13世纪该国旅行家马可波罗的足迹,从威尼斯出发,经过8700英里的行程,最终到达中国北京。

    A team of Italian horsemen is preparing to retrace the8,700-mile journey between Venice and China made by Marco Polo in the13th century .

  24. 有时迷途的商旅会听到远离正途处传来宛如大型马队般嘈杂的行旅声

    sometimes the stray travelers will hear the tramp and hum of a great cavalcade of people away from the real line of march

  25. 马队于清代兵制中占有重要地位,是清朝经制军队八旗、绿营的主要组成部分。

    Cavalry troop was the important arm of the services , And also the major component of the state military organization in Qing dynasty .

  26. 我希望这不是我与马队的最后一次对抗,他是个榜样,而且应该再战江湖。

    I hope that this isn 't the last time I play against Paolo Maldini , as he is an example and should keep playing .

  27. 既有研究已经详细介绍了雨崩村的两种由社区主导的旅游利益分配制度&住宿收入分配制度和马队轮换制度。

    The existing study has introduced in detail the two community-dominated distribution systems of tourism profits : accommodations income distribution system and horse team rotation system .

  28. 巴尔的摩乌鸦队主场迎战神奇的印第安纳波利斯小马队,印第安纳波利斯小马队去年只赢得了两场比赛,这个赛季却创造了11胜5负的纪录。

    The Baltimore Ravens host the surprising Indianapolis Colts , the team that finished this season with an 11-5 record after winning only two games last year .

  29. 马队飞奔而过,他终于跌落下来,抽搐了一下,便再也没有动弹;他的双腿弯曲成不自然的角度,大片的血液染红了沙地。[qh]

    He twitched once and lay motionless , his legs bent at unnatural angles , a pool of his blood soaking through the sand . [ qh ]

  30. 今天新英格兰爱国者队将迎战印第安那小马队,芝加哥熊队将迎战新奥尔良圣徒队,看看谁会进入最后的决赛。

    Today the New England Patriots will play the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears will play the New Orleans Saints to see who goes to the big game .