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  1. 打了胜仗的桑迪在华盛顿城外的一顶帐篷里,花旗(citi)领主、万能的约翰王(kingjohn)走了进来。

    The triumphant Sandy is in a tent outside Washington . The omnipotent King John , Lord of the Citi , enters .

  2. 看来确定以沥青和一顶帐篷营地任何地方。

    It seems OK to pitch a tent and camp anywhere .

  3. 我们会留给你一顶帐篷和一些食物。

    We 'll leave you a tent and some food .

  4. 我可以借给你一顶帐篷和几样装备。

    I can lend you one and a few pieces of equipment .

  5. 酒店小卖部的老板一顶帐篷卖80元。

    The hotel 's own kiosk owner sold tents for 80 Rmb .

  6. 一顶帐篷由插杆、木栓和篷顶布组成。

    A tent consists of poles , pegs and a fly sheet .

  7. 我们在这儿支起一顶帐篷如何?

    Shall we set up a tent here ?

  8. 幸运的是,我们带一顶帐篷和我们在一起。

    Luckily we brought a tent with us .

  9. 最近在乍得访问期间,他走进了一顶帐篷,里面住满了患有严重营养不良的儿童。

    In Chad recently he walked into a tent full of severely malnourished children .

  10. 如果你们去野营,我们可以提供给你们一顶帐篷。

    If you want to go camping , we can provide you with a tent .

  11. 金吉说:我们租了一顶帐篷,晚上就睡在沙滩上,有趣极了。

    We rented a tent . It was really fun to sleep on the beach at night .

  12. 幸运的是她在南部马山市的一顶帐篷里得以继续学业

    Luckily , she was able to resume her schooling in a tent in the southern city of Masan

  13. 幸运的是,她在南部马山市的一顶帐篷里得以继续学业。

    Luckily , she was able to resume her schooling in a tent in the southern city of Masan .

  14. 他想来这里,在新泽西放置一顶帐篷,而许多受害者都是来自这里。

    He wants to come and put a tent to New Jersey where so many of the victims were from .

  15. 就算我们真能找到一顶帐篷,那里面也是闷热难当。而且据说各种疾病,比如霍乱疫情,已经开始散播。

    Even if there was a tent for us , it was far too hot inside and there was talk that diseases like cholera were spreading .

  16. 此外,他们需要进行一些设备,如野营设备做饭和一顶帐篷,和修理工具,保持它的公路上。

    Moreover they need to carry some equipment such as camping equipment for cooking and pitching a tent , and repair tool for maintaining it on the road .

  17. 由于华南地区还是夏季,去南方旅行的同学可以带上一顶帐篷,询问当地老乡是否可以在他们的土地上宿营,或者干脆在海滨城市的沙滩上做“帐篷客”。

    As it 's still summer in southern China , students traveling there can bring a tent and ask farmers if they can camp on their land , or just camp on a beach in costal cities .

  18. 我和他们待了一会,同他们的父母聊了聊,然后,我来到另一顶帐篷&这里的孩子一个星期前还住在第一个帐篷里。

    I stayed with them a while , and talked to their parents , and then I went to the next tent - which held the children who 'd been in the first tent a week ago .

  19. 挪威人在南极逗留了两天。他们在那儿留下一顶帐篷,帐篷顶上插着一面挪威国旗。帐篷里,他们留下一些食物,一封致挪威国王的信,还有一封致斯科特的信。

    The Norwegians stayed two days at the Pole.They left a tent there , with a Norwegian flag on it.Inside the tent , they left some food , a letter for the King of Norway , and a letter for Scott .

  20. 她的房子是一顶大帐篷,里面有隔开的寝室。

    Her home was a large tent with partitioned-off sleeping quarters .

  21. 在活动人士的帮助下,扎赫拉的家人在喀布尔那家医院附近搭建了一顶抗议帐篷,要求公正处理此事。

    Zahra 's family , with the help of activists , has set up a protest tent near the hospital in Kabul to demand justice .

  22. 一顶橄榄色帐篷扎在树丛当中。

    An olive-coloured tent stood within a thicket of trees .

  23. 例如,CamelCamelCamel的数据库表明,一顶Coleman六人帐篷八月份价格是169美元,但现在的价格约为236美元。

    Camel Camel Camel 's database showed that a Coleman six-person tent cost $ 169 in August , but the price is now about $ 236 .

  24. 赫德森河附近的一顶大白帐篷就是餐厅,他们开玩笑地称之为泰姬陵。

    Near the Hudson River a huge white peaked tent serves as a dining hall , which they have nicknamed the Taj Mahal .

  25. 群山像一顶轰响着的帐篷,绷紧它的拉索

    The tent of the hills drummed and strained its guyrope

  26. 他在网上与同学们分享了这一发现:你只需要准备一顶帐篷,一个凉席和一些杀虫剂就可以了。

    Chen shared his discovery with students online : All you need is a tent , a mat and some insect repellent .

  27. 即将成立的夏威夷大岛火山露营公司将开设一个双人露营游,提供一顶帐篷、一块8英寸记忆棉床垫、亚麻床品、一个制冷机、一个灯笼和若干椅子。

    Hawaii Volcanoes Lodge Company will set up and break down a camp site for two , including a tent , an 8-inch memory foam mattress , linens , a cooler , a lantern and chairs .

  28. 车也是添满了汽油,再带一个小拖车与一对汽油罐和一顶帐篷。

    The car was full of gas with a little trailer with a couple of gas cans and a tent .

  29. 地震后的四川到处是一片又一片的塌方、废墟,到处是一顶又一顶帐篷。

    After the earthquake there is one of Sichuan and one of the cave , ruins , there is a another tent .

  30. 但是,他们也带来了手电筒,睡袋和一个可充气的床垫,因为他们预订的,在泳池旁的房间仅19美元,配备一顶帐篷。

    But they also brought flashlights , sleeping bags and an inflatable mattress because the pool-side room they booked for just $ 19 comes with a tent where the beds normally would be .