
yī tǐ
  • one;oneness;an organic whole;to a men;all people concerned
一体 [yī tǐ]
  • (1) [an organic whole]∶有机的整体

  • 融成一体

  • (2) [to a men;all people concerned]∶有机地结合或联结起来的整体

  • 俱为一体。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 胡越为一体。--唐.魏征《谏太宗十思疏》

一体[yī tǐ]
  1. 而同场对抗性集体球类项目是集对抗、快速、多变、个人魅力与集体合作的完美结合为一体的典型的体育竞赛项目,这与我国的传统文化发生冲突。

    The antagonism ball events are typical competitive games to combine rivalry , speediness , levity and personal glamour as an organic whole and those conflict with the Chinese traditional culture unavoidably .

  2. ShoppingMall是一种集购物、休闲、餐饮、娱乐为一体的超大型购物中心,是目前较为先进的商业业态之一。

    " Shopping Mall " is a kind of large-scale shopping center that incorporates shopping , recreation , food and beverage , amusement into an organic whole .

  3. 对他的治疗是把手术、放射和药物治疗结合为一体。

    His treatment was a combination of surgery , radiation and drugs .

  4. 这些程序能和你的已有的软件整合成一体。

    These programs can be integrated with your existing software .

  5. 这出戏把闹剧和悲剧交织为一体。

    The play was a cross between a farce and a tragedy .

  6. 这个系列节目旨在集知识和娱乐为一体。

    The aim of the series is both to entertain and inform .

  7. 女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。

    Queensway Quay will incorporate shops , restaurants and other amenities

  8. 他最后的一项改革是把常规军和预备役部队合为一体。

    His final reform was the fusion of regular and reserve forces .

  9. 这张专辑不同寻常地集各种风格于一体。

    The album is a bizarre agglomeration of styles .

  10. 善与恶可能并存于一体。

    Good and evil may co-exist within one family .

  11. 恐龙进化的时候,多数大陆连为一体。

    Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass .

  12. 不同的经济有着不同的货币,不应该视为一体以制定出统一的政策。

    Different economies , with different currencies , should not be aggregated to produce uniform policies

  13. 将肥皂和水放入平底锅中不动,然后让它们溶成一体。

    Put the soap and water in a pan and leave to stand until they have blended

  14. 只有我们承认身心一体,安慰剂效果才能被理解。

    The placebo effect can be understood only if we acknowledge the unity of mind and body .

  15. 与其说海洋把世界分隔开,倒不如说它们将世界连成一体。

    Oceans don 't so much divide the world as unite it .

  16. 通令所属一体遵照。

    All the units are to be informed that the instructions should be carried out .

  17. 它是一种集音乐、表演、文学、咏叹调和面部绘画于一体的舞台艺术

    It is a scenic art integrating music , performance , literature , aria , and face painting .

  18. 它是融纳米技术、光技术净化、触酶(催化)、药学技术、生物化学为一体的新技术、新方法

    It is combined with nano-technique , light-purge technique , catalyzation , pharmaceutics and biochemistry .

  19. 结论腹腔镜下卵巢囊肿剥出术创伤小,术后恢复快并发症少,集诊断与治疗为一体,临床应用价值比较肯定

    Conclusion The patients performed laparoscopic ovarian cyst divesting surgery had less complication and recovered soon .

  20. 当螺旋有着越来越合为一体的影响的时候,螺旋式增长会发生

    A negative spiral ( or vicious cycle ) occurs when the spiraling has an increasingly disintegrative effect .

  21. B:是的。这是一种集保险,储蓄和投资于一体的新业务,名叫“银保通”。

    B : Yes.We have a new business called Bank-Insurance Link.It is an integration of insurance , savings deposit and investment .

  22. 要坚持依法治国、依法执政、依法行政共同推进,法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设。

    The country should pursue coordinated progress in law-based governance , law-based exercise of State power , and law-based government administration , and promote the integrated development of rule of law for the country , the government and the society .

  23. 车辆导航系统是集地理信息系统GIS、全球定位系统GPS和无线通信技术于一体的综合车辆管理系统。

    It 's integrated GIS , GPS and wireless communication .

  24. 爬壁机器人(ClimbingRobot)集机械设计、电路设计、通信于一体。

    Design of climbing robot includes mechanical design , circuit design and communication .

  25. 地理信息系统(GIS,GeographicInformationsystem)是融计算机技术、数据库管理系统和计算机图形学于一体的一门跨专业的新技术。

    As a newborn cross-subject technology , GIS ( Geographic Information System ) merges computer technology , database management system and computer graphic science .

  26. 该文介绍了一个授课系统生成器的设计与实现方法,该系统集Web技术、视频点播技术、信息发布技术和网络数据库等技术于一体。

    Combined with video broadcasting tec hn ology , information publishing technology , network database technology , education based on network is a new teaching system .

  27. 工业CT(ICT)技术是一项集放射、光学、电子、计算机等多种技术于一体综合性强的高新技术。

    Technique of ICT is a complex technique related to radiology , optics , electronics and computer .

  28. 谈书盘一体文献的MARC著录及其管理

    On MARC cataloging and management of the electronic documents attached with books

  29. 电荷耦合器件(CCD)是一种集光电转换、电荷存贮、电荷转移为一体的传感器件。

    Charge coupled devices ( CCD ) are sensors which integrate the optics to electronics conversion , charge storage and charge transition .

  30. PGP数据加密软件将IDEA和RSA加密算法的优点集中为一体,在国际互联网上得到了广泛应用。

    With the integration of excellence of IDEA and RSA cryptography algorithm , PGP software is widely used on Internet .