
  • 网络dendrocalamus tsiangii
  1. 云南龙竹、黔竹的果实&一种植物学上新的果实类型山间竹笋,嘴尖皮厚腹中空。

    THE NEW TYPE OF FRUIT IN BOTANY The bamboo shoot in the hills & sharp-tongued , thick-skinned and hollow inside .

  2. 黔北明珠西南竹城&赤水市

    One Bright Pearl of the North Guizhou Province , and A Bamboo City of the Southwest China ── Cishui City

  3. 赤水玄珠从审美中介论美与美感黔北明珠西南竹城赤水市

    The National Black Treasure of Red River On the Relationship between Beauty and Aesthetic-Feeling from Aesthetic Intermediary One Bright Pearl of the North Guizhou Province , and A Bamboo City of the Southwest China ── Cishui City