
  1. 根据LiveScience网站的说法,梅夫人是统治云南的黔国公沐斌的三个妻子之一。

    Lady Mei was one of three wives of Mu Bin , a Duke of Qian who ruled Yunnan , according to areport in Live Science .

  2. 她的儿子沐琮在黔国公去世时才10岁,所以梅夫人成了单身母亲。

    Her son , Mu Zong , was = 10 months old whenthe Duke died , making Lady Mei a single mother .

  3. 虽然她的地位不及黔国公的另外两个妻子,但是她自己的娘家可能是富贵人家。

    While she didn 't have the same status asthe Duke 's other two wives , her own family was likely to have been wealthy .