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  • wild carrot
  1. 野胡萝卜挥发油是从野胡萝卜中提取的易挥发不溶于水的混合物。

    The volatile oil of Daucus carota Linn . is the volatile and water-insoluble mixture extracted from Daucus carota Linn .

  2. 研究表明,野胡萝卜挥发油具有抗生育、杀虫、抑菌、抗肿瘤的作用,但有关体外抑癌方面的研究尚未见报道。

    Relevant researches indicate that the oil have been shown the effects of antifertility , insecticidal , antibacterial , antitumor . But the anticancer activities has not been reported .