
  • 网络allium ramosum;Allium ramosum L
  1. 然而,在过去的30年里,北美野韭的人气开始迅速增长。

    However , over the last 30 years , ramps popularity has grown quickly .

  2. 在阿巴拉契亚山脉地区,长期以来北美野韭都是一种重要的食物。

    In the Appalachian Mountains , ramps have been an important food for a longtime .

  3. 如果你在正确的地方,你就有机会亲自品尝一下北美野韭。

    If you are in the right place , you still have time to try a taste of ramps yourself .

  4. 虽然韭经历了长期的人工选择和自然选择,但与野韭的分化仍然较小。

    Although it was gone through evolution by artificial selection and natural selection , Allium tuberosum kept little differentiation from Allium ramosum .

  5. 《海拉尔》海拉尔在蒙语中是“野韭菜地”之意,因沿海拉尔河以前的两岸长满了野韭菜而得名。

    Hailar : Hailar drives its name from both sides of Hailar river which used to be filled with wild leek , and it means " the land of wild leek " in Mongolian .