
  1. 众议院共和党二号人物埃里克·康托尔星期五说,他和议长北纳都不会允许增税。

    The number-two House Republican , Eric Cantor , said Friday he and Speaker Boehner will not allow taxes to be increased .

  2. 卡尔梅利纳可能都要到家了,但我可以把她叫回来。

    Carmelina 's probably halfway home with it , but I can make her walk back .

  3. 此后,不论在学术领域还是实践领域,全纳教育都产生了重大影响。

    Since then , inclusive education has had a significant impact both in academic and practice areas .

  4. 为了回收旧手机,芬兰东南部的萨文林纳镇每年都会举行一次扔手机比赛。

    In order to recycle old mobile phones , the town of Savonlinna in southeast Finland holds a Mobile Phone Throwing Competition every year .

  5. 结果表明,接头的形状在左右纳米线宽度都取固定值时对透射系数有着显著的影响。

    It is found that the contact shapes can dramatically affect the transmission spectra when the transverse widths of left and right nanowires are fixed .

  6. 事实上,考虑到冲绳县反对的声音,作为普天间军事基地替代的嘉手纳基地可能永远都修建不起来。

    Indeed , given the opposition in Okinawa , perhaps Futenma 's replacement at Henoko will never be built .

  7. 基于AFM的精密测量、微纳加工、纳米操纵、微纳结构修饰等都还在不断地研究和发展之中。

    The study of precision measurement , micro / nano fabrication , nano manipulation and nano modification based on AFM are still in progress .