
  • 网络naxi culture
  1. 诞生在纳西文化的暮气里

    The Tree of Naxi Culture

  2. 纳西族在逐渐融入国家政治体系,实现本民族发展的过程中,融合了佛教、道教、儒学、民间巫术等多元文化,创造了以东巴文化为主干的纳西文化。

    During the process of entering into the nation 's political system and realizing the national development , Naxi nationality by melting together multi-culture , such as Buddhism , Taoism , Confucianism , Superstition etc , created Naxi culture , in which Dong Ba culture is a very important part .

  3. 丽江的旅游开发对传统纳西文化传承的影响

    The Influence on Inheritance of Traditional Culture of the Naxi Nationality Caused by Developing Tourism in Lijiang

  4. 赖特的有机建筑哲学在纳西民居文化中的体现

    The Wright 's organic architectural philosophy extermination in Naxi civil house culture

  5. 解读纳西民族文化的密码&女性羊皮披肩

    Decode the Culture of Naxi Nationality & Female Sheepskin Cape

  6. 泸沟湖纳西婚俗文化为例,浅论民族婚俗文化旅游开发的一般理论和操作实践。

    This essay set the nationality of Naxi people near Lake Lugu in Sichuan Province as a example , carry on analyses theory and Practice on development of folk-custom marriage .

  7. 纳西族生态文化的独特价值

    On the Unique Value of the Eco-culture of the Yi Nationality

  8. 纳西族传统文化功能的转移

    Diversion of Function of the Cultural Tradition of Naxi Nationality

  9. 纳西族东巴文化与风水信仰

    Naxi Nationality : Dongba Culture Religion of Geomantic Omen

  10. 纳西族色彩文化的基本特征

    Basic Characteristics of the Naxi Colour Culture

  11. 论纳西族民族文化生态

    On Naxi national ecological culture

  12. 丽江古城纳西和汉文化的相互影响与整合

    The Mutual Influence and Integration between Naxi Culture and Han Culture in the Old Town of Lijiang

  13. 用科学方法对纳西族及其文化等进行学术意义上的研究始于19世纪后期。

    The scientific method was adopted to study the culture of Naxi in the late 19 ~ ( th ) century .

  14. 东巴文化同世界上其他民族的古文化一样,也是一种宗教文化,是由东巴世代传承下来的纳西族古文化。

    Dongba culture with the world , ancient cultures of other nations , just as a religion and culture is handed down from generation to generation by the Dongba culture of Naxi ancient .

  15. 纳西族东巴文化举世闻名,是现代和当代国际纳西学热和纳西族地区旅游大潮汹涌的一个最重要的促成因素。

    Naxi ' Dongba culture is well world-famous , It is the modern and contemporary international Naxi study heat and the surging tide of regional tourism one of the most important contributing factors .

  16. 把原始象形文字记录的那些关于用自然界客观事物变化&诸如星宿运动变化去观察、预测未来的神秘占卜破译出来,对研究、发掘纳西族传统文化,尤其是古代天文、历法知识,很有意义。

    A study of such records of natural phenomena like the star movement and changes and the mysterious future-telling divination will be of great help to the study and development of Naxi traditional culture .

  17. 推动了纳西族社会的文化发展;

    Enhancing the cultural development of the Naxi society ;

  18. 纳西古乐神话只是文化资源市场化运作中一种营销手段、一种宣传结果。

    Naxi ancient music myth is just the outcome of the commercialization of cultural resources .

  19. “白沙细乐”社会功能的每一次变化或者说变迁,都与近现代纳西族整体社会文化发展变化密切相关。

    Every important change in its social functions in modem and contemporary times reveals its close relation with the whole society and culture of the Naxi nationality .

  20. “木”是古老的象形字,研究“木”字包容的古汉民族与古纳西族祭木的文化意蕴,可以从中探寻到汉民族古文化与纳西族古文化的契合点与同质性。

    The research on " Mu " which contains the culture of ancient Han and Naxi nationalities shows the two cultures share many similarities .

  21. 正文包括五章,第一章从共时和历时两个维度阐述纳西汝卡人的生产情况及背景,纳西社会文化历史变迁与重构。

    The first chapter is a general description of the production in the village of Ruka people , the transformation and reconstruction of social and cultural history of Naxi ethnic group , from both synchronic and diachronic dimensions .