
qián xī běi
  • Northwest Guizhou
  1. 黔西北山区旱地农业耕作技术研究与推广

    Study and popularization of farming technique for arid land Northwest Guizhou

  2. 黔西北地区木耳品种的引种比较试验

    A Comparison Test of Introduced Edible Fungus Varieties in Northwest Guizhou

  3. 黔西北铅锌矿床REE特征及其意义

    REE Geochemistry of Pb_Zn Deposits in Northwestern Guizhou and Its Significance

  4. 毕节地区地处黔西北,全区耕地面积101.2万hm2,其中旱地耕地92.36万hm2,占全区耕地面积的91.26%,是典型的雨养旱作农业山区。

    Bijie prefecture , with 0.9236 M hm ~ 2 of upland arable land occupied 91.26 % of total agricultural acreage , is the typical rain fed farming mountainous area .

  5. 黔西北地区立体气候与水果资源产业的开发

    The Stereoscopic Weather of NorthWest of GuiZhou and Fruit Resource Development

  6. 黔西北铅锌矿床的地质地球化学特征

    Geological and geochemical features of lead-zinc deposits in northwestern , guizhou

  7. 黔西北油菜地方品种资源的搜集与评价

    Collection and Evaluation of Local Rape Variety Resources in Northwest Guizhou

  8. 黔西北果树产业化发展对策研究

    Development Countermeasure of Fruits Industrialization in the Northwest of Guizhou Province

  9. 瞬变电磁法在黔西北找矿成果的研究

    The research Of Prospecting results Of Tem in Northwest Of Guizhou

  10. 黔西北铅锌矿区的控矿构造研究

    Study on ore-controlling structures of Pb-Zn ore region in Northwestern Guizhou Province

  11. 黔西北地区农田鼠类群落结构的研究

    The structure of Farmland Rodents Community in the northwest region of Guizhou

  12. 黔西北地区发现含锑新层位

    The Discovery of a New Stibnite-bearing Horizon in Northwest Guizhou

  13. 浅析黔西北地区铅锌矿成矿元素地球化学特征

    Simple analysis of geochemical feature of mineral elements in the northwest Guizhou

  14. 黔西北高原药用植物区系的初步研究

    A study on the strain of the medicinal plants in plateau north-western Guizhou

  15. 黔西北引种杂稻新组合高产稳产性分析及其应用

    Utilization and Analysis on High and Stable Yield of New Introduced Hybrid Rice Combinations

  16. 黔西北杉木防护林间伐强度试验

    Experiment on Intermediate Intensity of China fir Protection Forest in the Northwest of Guizhou

  17. 黔西北山区旱坡地玉米主要性状研究

    Study on Main Characters of Maize Grown in the Sloping Land in Northwest Guizhou

  18. 黔西北土法炼锌废弃地植被重建的限制因子

    Limiting factors of waste land revegetation in indigenous zinc smelting areas of western Guizhou

  19. 黔西北地区的土法炼锌使生态环境遭受了严重破坏。

    The eco-environment was seriously damaged by the indigenous zinc smelting in Guizhou Northwest Region .

  20. 黔西北山区泰丰农业科技示范园的建设及发展前景

    Construction and Development Prospect of Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Zone in Bijie Prefecture

  21. 黔西北土法炼锌区典型植物体内重金属的积累研究

    Heavy metal accumulation in natural plants in the zinc smelting area in Northwestern Guizhou Province

  22. 黔西北山区高油玉米高产栽培模式研究

    Study on the High-yielding Planting Model of High-oil Maize in the Mountain Area of Northwestern Guizhou

  23. 黔西北优质小麦高产高效栽培技术研究

    Cultivation Techniques of Quality Wheat for High Yield Efficiency in Particular Ecological Areas of Northwest Guizhou

  24. 生态危机与社会文化应对&黔西北苗族的例子

    The Ecological Crisis and the Social-culture Deal & North Guizhou Province Miao National Minority 's Example

  25. 从毕玉2号看黔西北山区杂交玉米的育种目标

    Study on Crop Breeding Goal About Cross Corn of Mountainous Areas Northwest Guizhou from Biyu No.2

  26. 黔西北苗族地区的基督教传播及其社会历史背景

    The Spreading of Christianity in the Miao Areas in the Northwest of Guizhou and Its Socio-Historical Background

  27. 彝族文化在黔西北旅游资源开发中的地位

    The Status of Yi people 's Culture in the Tourism Resources Development of the Northwest in Guizhou

  28. 黔西北民间艺术文化生态的保护与发展

    A Discussion on the Protection and Development of the Folk Arts and Cultural Ecology in Northwestern Guizhou

  29. 提出了现阶段黔西北果树产业化的指导思想和原则。

    We brought forward the directive idea and principle of fruits industrialization in the Northwest of Guizhou province .

  30. 灰色关联分析在黔西北特殊生态区玉米育种中的应用

    The Application of the Grey Related Analysis on Maize Breeding in the Special Ecosystem of Northwest of Guizhou